Monday, July 8, 2024

(#5636) Why women need to reject the republican party

      These 12 states have not ratified the Equal Rights Amendment that would make women equal to men in our society. Here is the list and tell me if anything seems familiar about who these states are and who represents them through politics. Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Utah. Other than the very recent purpling of Arizona and Georgia, the other ten states that refuse to authorize the Equal Rights Amendment that would guarantee women equal rights with men in divorce, property, employment and other areas are mostly solidly republican strongholds
     The ten most republican states will likely not, excepting possibly North Carolina by my calculation, ever allow women to have equal rights with men even though we live in a democracy. So why would any women vote for republicans when republicans treat them as second class citizens? Women all over the world have shown that they are not only equal to men but often are much more. So why would women let men tell them they are not worthy? This is but one historical area that has for the last over 100 years failed to be ratified because an amendment like this needs 38 states to agree to the amendment to our constitution. Well we now have 38 states but the time limit set on the total has gone by and now must be waived and then voted upon in the Senate to make women equal to men in our democracy.
     We need more democrats elected to power so that women can finally realize their equality, through the Equal Rights Amendment. Another reason to not give republicans your vote is that republicans recently dismantled the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade of 1973, that gave women the right over their own bodies. Instead now republicans have taken away the right of women to decide their own fate. Another obstacle for women that makes them less equal than men. If republicans have their way women will find themselves shut out of divorce, legal, and employment protections aimed at moving them back into the kitchens and nurseries where republicans condescendingly believe they belong. Do not ever again give your vote to a republican whether you are a woman or a man!

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