Tuesday, July 30, 2024

(#5658) What the autocrat like maduro shows us about trump

      We can see in real time what a trump presidency would be like just by looking at what is going on right now in Venezuela. Where a large majority of the population has voted against the tyrant, with him in power he is able to thwart that and continue to claim he won the election. Does this vaguely sound familiar? If trump is to get back into power it will be the same no matter what the vote is the next time an election comes around. He will claim like maduro that he won and the results are not to be contested. it is the way with autocrats, remain in power regardless of any silly vote.
     So we who are aware of what trump will do given he already miserably tried an insurrection in 2021, have a duty to our democracy to protect it. We do that by calling out trump and his nefarious plot to destroy our government of democratic principles, you know like equality for all, opportunity for all, one person one vote, freedom from oppression. We who are aware cannot sit silently and hope that someone else will fulfill the duty to protect our democracy. None of us has a pass on the sacrifice it will take to stop the trumps of the world when they are going to ruin what we have built over centuries.
     How the Venezuelans respond to their moment of crisis will be revealing in how the world perceives the importance of overcoming tyranny. I expect that the people of Venezuela will stop their society and its functions in order to pressure the tyrant maduro to relent. The concept of we the people applies here with Venezuelans because when most all the people decide enough is enough is when the change will happen. That can only happen when the people get together and force the issue as the only issue of the days ahead. Just stop what they are doing and congregate at the seat of government where the tyrant is hiding out and don't leave before he does!

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