Friday, July 19, 2024

(#5647) We democrats will unite at our convention!

      There is a sense that we democrats are in some kind of disarray. Well that is absurd! Every last one of us liberal progressive and a huge amount of independents are solidly against trump so the blue vote is coming and it will come in a wave like election of our nominee. Which I hope is our current President Joe Biden. If Joe feels up to the challenge of leading our nation for the next four years then I am all in on him. If not then whomever we agree to take his place will have the same support from me and most likely everyone else. So we democrats are not in disarray, we are in a moment of discussion concerning an outcome that will be the same regardless of who wins our democratic party nomination.
     The republicans had their convention and it did nothing to most all of us to change our perspective on just how bad republicanism will be for our democracy. Our democracy will not survive a republican presidential administration and the republican nominee has made it clear he wants to be president for life and will do everything in his power to take power from the courts and congress for himself. Let that sink in for a moment. He wants to be king of America and do as he pleases regardless of whom it hurts or destroys. The republican party is now an authoritarian one where the winner of this coming election won't have to face another election in his lifetime. That is what is at stake here, the very life of our 248 year old democracy.
     So in the meantime as our democratic political party has its intra party conversation, a decision will be made before our convention next month in August. Will Joe feel up to the task of carrying our democratic party to victory and then to legislative changes that will set the course for more progressive policies to help the working middle poor class? Or will another equally dedicated to progressive liberal policies become our nominee and defeat the tyrannical forces of republicanism? These questions we will answer over the next 30 days or so. Either way we'll be united in our cause to stop the worst of what has become of the republican party and its narcissistic leader who has already fomented an insurrection on our democracy.

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