Monday, July 15, 2024

(#5643) My departed brothers Jim and John

      My two older brothers have left this existence. My brother Jim passed away after he had just turned 50 in 2002. My brother John passed away just this past May at the age of 70. I have been thinking of both of them this morning for whatever reason and it struck me that I need to talk about them in this moment. First off Jim, the eldest of us was the leader of the children in our family. He lead through his curiosity about life and his smile that could make your heart warm up in seconds if it was directed at you. It wasn't until later in life that I got to spend any mature time with Jim but it was special given his sudden departure from life. He took me under his wing like he most always did and gave me his time, attention and love when that was what I needed.
     My next eldest brother John was the free spirit. He heard his own drummer and didn't take to conventional ways unless they made sense in ways that often mystified me. That was johnny's nature, to be different than others in a better way. He was like a magnet to those who could see his charm and character and he could light up a room just by walking in. I got to spend the last of his nearly 8 years with him in my home as a housemate. He both astounded me at times and infuriated me at times but never was he less than who I admired and loved. John was a force, like Jim, but both in different ways. I have so many thoughts in my head about my 2 older brothers while neither is here to talk with me anymore.
     Having 2 older brothers helped me along in life when I was young. Not having 2 older brothers now is so different for me because they cannot be who they were in my life and that makes for a big void. As the third sibling I got to see both my brothers throughout the entirety of my life since we were born not far in time from each other. It is strange to be here in existence without them yet I know that time will have us all when it is our time. Yet, I will continue to exist and remember my older brothers with an occasional laugh at the moments we shared that now only exist in my memories. My mind is what links us now even though the heart is sad. I was fortunate to have both these two brothers and I will endeavor to bring to the forefront the lessons in life they have both left with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you…Caroline