Thursday, July 11, 2024

(#5639) I almost forgot to post today

      I have been very busy today. I started out very early at about 4:30 this morning out to get gas for all my empty gas cans I use for the riding lawn mower. Since returning after 5 am back home I got to arranging the back yard for preparation of mowing and yard sweeping. I had to mow along side the house with my rechargeable battery mower and weed eater to get that small area done. Once I was done with that and policing up the whole of the backyard of doggie land mines it was almost 8 am and time for me to crank up the riding lawn mower. I have been away for several months so the care of the yard motor tools had dropped off but not enough to thwart me from getting them operational.
     After charging the battery of the gas driven riding lawn mower I was able to mow the tall growth down and afterwards hook up the yard sweep to the riding mower and sweep up most of the cut growth and the thistles and foxtails that seem to grow around here in plentiful amounts. By the time I had finished it was well after 10 am and I was feeling the heat as it was already around 99 degrees when I got back into the house. The back yard looks a lot better having been cut and effectively raked. I was beat tired though and after the refreshing shower I took a nap because that is what we older folks do when we get up early to work. I also am working on a legal issue and that took up several hours this afternoon. Plus I am now plugged into working next week for two days a week.
     I wanted to take another nap but just happened to notice that my blog page was still up on my computer tab. I have missed 9 or 10 blog posts over the last more than 15 years on the day that they were supposed to come out and to make up for it I always have posted 2 blog posts the next day. Most of the missed blog posts were due to sickness of an overpowering nature but sometimes I do just get too busy and forget my protocols for posting. normally I post early in the morning but of course early was not happening today and later almost didn't happen either. If you want to know how it feels not to post it is almost like a depression of sorts. It does not sit well with me when I for whatever reason procrastinate my daily posts.

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