Sunday, July 28, 2024

(#5656) 100 days until the election

      It is a happy time to be a democrat at the moment. What seemed to be a difficult situation with President Joe Biden coming to the realization that he was being outmaneuvered by the criminal trump for reelection, Joe decided to stop and let the next democratic candidate take the reigns. Her being Vice President Kamala Harris. What Kamala Harris has done in the full week since her endorsement by Joe Biden is remarkable. Not only has she secured more than enough of Joe's earned delegates to be our nominee but she has gone out on the offensive and shoved reality into trump's face. All the while fundraising like a tornado.
     It isn't just the switch from Biden to Harris that is the real story on the ground out here in America. It is the enthusiasm that has come with Kamala Harris. She has acquired now nearly 200,000 new volunteers for her national campaign for president. She has garnered nearly 400 million dollars in donations from small new time donors and wealthy donors as well. She is coalescing our democratic party much like former President Barack Obama did in 2008. The similarity is striking in that people are coming out of the shadows with full throated support for Harris like with Obama in 2008.
     In 100 days, late in the evening we will know how this election is trending and for me it won't be a surprise to see similar outcomes in states for Harris like it was for Obama. I am not hinting or predicting how this election is going to go but I do have a vision and it is one of hope and thankfulness for all who are still democratic warriors like our foreparents were who created our great nation. Our American democracy is on the line and that in itself is all we need to know. Protecting our democracy comes first and then fixing it to be better is second. Nothing compares to our democracy. History has shown us that we are living in the greatest form of government ever devised and our foreparents would be proud of us for keeping it alive and evolving toward a more perfect union as we all pursue our happiness without doing harm.

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