Tuesday, July 9, 2024

(#5637) A recent surge in democracy!

      In Britain there was an overwhelming victory for the forces of democracy. The right wing in Britain is about irrelevant now as it has ever been. The same can be said for the french in their election. Their right wing thought they were on a path to victory until reality came down hard on their heads and they too find themselves as irrelevant. Now another surprise out of Iran. Not long ago a hard right religious leader was killed in a helicopter crash and his replacement is a hard turn left from his policies. This new Iranian leader is open to dialogue with we Americans and is more tolerant of women's rights.
     This has all happened within a few months and if anything foretells of a shift from the brutal hard right policies of denying rights to the beginning of protecting rights. We Americans may well see the same type of watershed moment that is visible in the present as it occurs. A fatal moment occurred in 2023 when Roe v. Wade was eliminated. Fatal to trump in that he has taken much of the credit for taking the right of women to choose their own destiny and destroying that right. He is now this year trying to walk back some of his most defamatory comments about the downfall of Roe v. Wade but women are not that simple as to forgive him his enormously condescending role.
     With the dishonorable destruction of Roe v. Wade under trump's belt he is now the figurehead of project 2025, which is another afront to not only women but men who stand with women as well. With that backdrop, it is easy to see that there may well be an avalanche of voters against the right wing of trump and his accomplices in the republican party. This coming November is shortly upon us and I can sense the enormity of the event among all those who are aware of the consequences. I will not be surprised at all to see further right wing political destruction here in America with too many who know that democracy itself is at stake. With less than 100 days until the voting begins I do believe that not only will democracy be defended in the vote but that the American hard right will go the way to irrelevancy that they have in France and Britain.

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