Monday, July 29, 2024

(#5657) Project 2025 is a parasitical document that undermines democracy

      The very idea of anti democracy is founded in this blueprint for trump and republicans should they ever come into power. The nuances that went into this deceptive vision are designed to confuse and misdirect intentionally. The heritage foundation and their republican acolytes do not want you to know how full of anti democracy propaganda this project 2025 of theirs is offering. Where freedom of choice is limited to options not a full scope of possibilities. Where gender and race are qualified by degrees of acceptance not a universality. Where poverty is allowed to remain so as to direct many human beings into choices that are specifically unwanted by the more affluent.
     The republican party has over the last 64 years shown itself to be less about democracy and more about control. They have turned themselves into judges of everyone else instead of judging themselves. A condescending approach to society that has only their own perception of what good is at the core of their actions. They do not qualify their approach with honesty, instead they use deception because they know that without deception their designs are flawed and only serve a small section of our society. What is even worse is that their cavalier attitude toward the working middle poor class is a dehumanizing characteristic that can only be described as behavior unbefitting a human being of conscience.
     Currently the leadership of the republican party is distancing themselves from full throated support of this democracy destroying maze of dishonorable guidance but only until they know they will not suffer a cost for its support. We who are not beholden to anything less valuable than our own constitution realize that if republicans get control of the presidency and congress the end of our American democracy will begin immediately. It isn't just my opinion. Take the time to investigate for yourself and trust that our constitution is correct and those documents that would contradict it are not. We have more work to do to perfect our union but throwing our constitution away to make life harder and more unequal is not the path forward.

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