Friday, July 5, 2024

(#5633) No trump insurrection in Brittain

      Last night when the conservative party in England was handily defeated by labor forces the handover of power was like all handovers of power in the United States until trump lost in 2020. The conservative prime minister called the new labor prime minister and congratulated him on his victory. Such is the manner from someone who is honorable in defeat. We cannot say that about trump since he has no honor in him even when he was electoral college appointed with nearly 3 million less votes than his opponent Hillary Clinton in 2016. If a peaceful transfer of power is what you would expect from free and fair elections then look to the British to remind you of how it is done.
     Do not look to the insurrection on January 6, 2017 from trump on how it is done. The trump insurrection was a vile attempt to kill off his opponents in Congress, including his own vice president, because they followed the rule of law instead of trump's rule by any means necessary. When we the people are allowed to vote under our democracy we become the final arbiters of who won and who lost. Not some fantasy trump concocts so that he can keep the power he thinks is his for life. We in democracy do not adhere to such mental deficiencies that place ego and compulsion over rules and facts. It is an honor for me to see the British take on the part of our American democracy and teach us the lesson we seem to have forgotten.
     People of good faith are still all around us while people of bad faith continue to lie and deceive to change our hearts and minds. But there is nothing new under the sun as Solomon said so nothing the liars and deceivers can try to tell us will change the fact that we are the power in the United States not the wealthy nor their outlets. One person one vote is a tried and true method of democracy and as long as we the people continue to vote our common sense and heartful minds, they will guide us with the ideals of democracy and the pursuit of happiness it promises. Improving our society through laws that give us hope through merit and hard work while also allowing for an equity throughout that favors no one above another.

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