Saturday, July 13, 2024

(#5641) If putin goes down so does trump!

      Here is another reason to support the democratic effort in Ukraine. The invasion by putin is his centerpiece for keeping himself in power but if he is tossed out of Ukraine not only will he be a world pariah waiting to be captured for his war crimes but he will also have failed the Russian people. Once the facts of putin's failure in Ukraine becomes known to Russians they will not let him off the hook for wasting their children and treasure. That putin will be brought down from power is a fact and that will also signal the end of trump and his alliance with putin. Without putin reinforcing trump in so many areas of his politics and economics trump will become a pariah himself to the vast majority of Americans.
     There is no greater concern on earth in this moment than the success of Ukraine against the war criminal putin. It cannot be that a failure as a human being like putin should be given any advantage to remain a world leader. He has to go down for his crimes and his senseless slaughter of his own troops and Ukrainian civilians. That he influences other potential world leaders is an abomination and must not be allowed to continue. The west needs to seize this moment and end the stalemate it has allowed for Russia to remain in Ukraine for literally no justification. Fear is not a justification it is only an embarrassment to those who see bravery beyond fear and do the courageous thing instead.
     Let Ukraine do what it needs to do to end the scourge of putin and in that the scourge of trump will also crumble. It is win/win when putin and trump are not making decisions that affect the rest of us. Ukraine for their part are as great a force for democracy that exists so let them continue to prove it by releasing the restrictions that hamper them from ending putin and by extension trump. Democracy is not something we negotiate. It is instead something we demand and in the demanding of it we must put up our fists and fight should anyone tell us no. With putin and trump off the world stage the chances for democracy to grow improve exponentially.

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