Thursday, July 18, 2024

(#5646) Everything progressive is on the line in this election for we the people!

      Every advancement made by progressives and liberals over the last century is at risk of being eliminated if the republicans win this election. I still doubt they will but my doubt is from believing that the American voter is too complex to believe the simple stupidity and false narratives of republican politics. I know there is a small percentage that will never understand the incorrectness of the spell that has been placed on them by the carnival barkers in the republican party but they are far fewer than they would like us to know. Still though we are only approximately two months from the early voting start so the narrative must be clear for the forces that want to preserve our democracy.
     From social security, to medicare, to workday protections, to unemployment, to women's rights, to child labor laws, to education, to racial justice, to voting rights, to the ever changing of America into a more perfect union for all of its citizens. This is but a handful of paradigms that have improved over time because progressive liberals have made it so. Yet this current republican party through its majority on the supreme court is willing to throw all those changes away in order to remain in control of our government and throw out democracy for a form of authoritarian tyranny much like trump's ally putin has in Russia. If you think this is fiction then you are not as wise as you should be.
     We the people is where we are for the next approximately 100 days, after the election we may not be if republicans are given the votes to change our society. It won't be we the people anymore it will be only some of the wealthy and the rest of us will be begging for table scraps. This is no joke nor fantasy. Listen to what the republican party leader keeps saying. He, trump, wants to be president for life and rule on things that don't require a congress or judiciary. He wants to be king and he is the leader of the republican party. So a vote for a republican will justify his quest to throw out 248 years of democracy to be replaced by himself as not governed by we the people but he and his as the only people who matter.

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