Thursday, July 4, 2024

(#5632) Nothing but shame for republicans today!

      The majority of us are going to celebrate the fight we had to claim our democracy 248 years ago. A too large minority will not. Instead they are configuring how to steal our democracy from us and turn America into a fascist, tyrannical nation. So as they pretend to give a fuck about democracy today while smiling and playing at being proud Americans, they are not. They will wave their American flags but not with the gusto of protecting that flag. They have other flags that are more important to them. Symbols of nazism and confederacy where death and slavery has corrupted them to pursue.
     These illiterate and nonsensical people do not believe that all human beings should have equal rights. They are of the mindset that only white evangelical, and I use the term evangelical in it's worse imagining, have equal rights. All other are less so and much more like the property of the confederacy or worse the human waste of nazi concentration camp mindsets. I remember the days of when we honored those who sacrificed their lives for the rest of us to have a democracy that was ever evolving toward a more perfect union. Where we all could pursue our happiness as long as it did no harm to others.
     We don't have that now. What we have is a selfish large minority that can only see themselves as rulers of America and not any room for the melting pot ideal that got us to being the greatest democracy history has ever recorded. What kind of person does it take to want to destroy 248 years of the most illustrious form of government beholden to only the people it serves? What kind of person is demented enough to think that self rule is worse than being ruled by a tyrant or a king? How far down the evolutionary scale are we dropping because there are lazy ass people who are nothing but selfish asses who do not care that all people are created equal? We will soon find out come November 5th.

1 comment:

mothernatureearthmom said...

Well said. We have our work cut out for us.