Wednesday, July 24, 2024

(#5662) I like who I have become

      It wasn't always like this. In fact it has been a long road to ending up here as I am now. I went through a lot of changes to get here and that journey was difficult and at times painful. Like life for most of us, difficult and painful are our trial and error paradigms. In my case I had a good foundation to finally draw from that had been instilled since my childhood. I just had to dig deep down inside me to remember how I thought and felt back then when I was first forming as a person. I was confused for many years over things that didn't logically align. I had an expectation about humanity and society that failed to live up to my expectation.
     I found myself not caring about a lot of things that seemed against me as if I was deserved some privilege. Well I found that road to be a dead end so I got off of it and found a better road. A road where I get to choose who I am and what I want to be within a realistic expectation, not some fantastical one. I found my inner compass and it was always about doing good and fighting against the bad. I feel at home on this journey now because I am living as who I am and not someone who is trying to be something else. I am even keeled about most everything now even the hardships that will come along if we live long enough.
     I am also even keeled about the great things that happen. The reason being I know how fleeting new and exciting can be. But I do smile when I can as a reminder that I am lucky in that I am living as me now. I do not try to create the future under my terms, instead I let the future come to me under its terms. Trying to control anything other than myself is mostly impossible while trying to control myself is a constant work in progress. I get that now. Being a good guy and trying to stop the bad in the world is a purpose of mine that gives me great pleasure and motivation. Life is an adventure and living it as oneself is the goal. Be yourself and join the rest of us as we pursue our happiness while doing no harm.

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