Sunday, July 21, 2024

(#5649) Exposing anti democracy plans of republicans and their project 2025

      Let me start off by telling you that the same people, the heritage foundation, have been working diligently to undermine democracy for over 50 years. Includes such efforts to end all abortion without the mother's consent. Anti climate actions aimed at keeping fossil fuel and other dirty energy at the forefront of our economy. Anti anything to do with LGBTQ rights and protections from bigotry and ultimately harm. Not the least of these is voter suppression. Everywhere in red states that have republican leaders the purge of voters from their voting roles and the obvious gerrymandering to dilute districts in order for republicans to maintain them is ongoing. This is the group that is promoting the new project 2025 for republicans in the next election in 107 days.
     This group is all about religious fundamentalism at their core. They want the men to lead and the women to be submissive to men. That is not equality within democracy so democracy in their eyes cannot be the governing principle ideal. What replaces democracy? An authoritarian theocracy where their belief system, which is nothing like anything ever taught in church in my youth, is malleable to their own interpretation. Where the republicans have concocted a white republican Jesus to fit their narrative of anti white suppression that they incredibly claim is their suffering in life. The republican party has gone beyond the first amendment of our constitution where the separation of church and state is clearly defined. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof:"...
     Those who will feel an immediate suffering will be the working middle poor class. Work overtime will be up to the corporations as well will be workplace discrimination. Workers will lose rights under democracy that will no longer exist. Make it harder to receive food assistance, It removes head start educational programs for children while making it easier to put children into hazardous work conditions. Disbanding NOAA so that there is no more climate data to evaluate. Allow pollution in our underserved communities. Plus many more anti democracy policies This link will let you read for yourself:

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