Wednesday, July 10, 2024

(#5638) The national media is letting democracy down

      Follow the money, always. The national media is now owned by corporations who are beholden to their shareholders. These shareholders are of the wealthiest in our nation. They have so much money that they can afford to spend it without ever missing it so that is what they are doing. But why Carl, why would a bunch of billionaires waste money on media when it is not profit inducing? Like Occam's Razor, the simplest answer is usually the most likely. Because he who controls the information is given so much more authenticity, regardless of being factual, than those who just shout out the truth!
     You can see the lack of truth concerning trump and republicans when all you hear is negatives about democrats. The national media has already moved on from the insurrection by trump and his plans to be king of America. They don't care that a jury of his peers has convicted him with 39 felonies. The national media does not care that trump has been found guilty in a civil trial of rape against at least one women. None of that matters to the national media and their shareholders. They are more concerned about how to continue to enrich themselves and how trump and republicans give them an unfair advantage they fully expect to cash in on.
     The national media is not objective like we would expect them to be instead they subjectively slant their stories toward the perceived wrongs of democrats while glossing over the factual wrongs of republicans. Their intent is to keep republicans in power so that they can enjoy the continued utility of controlling the masses as they deem most profitable for themselves. Democracy is at stake here in this election and the national media is saying nothing. They don't care about one person one vote. They care about control and they will do the trump and republican bidding to keep the power with republicans regardless of how many factual truths they omit nor the amount of trump lies they allow.

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