Sunday, April 7, 2024

(#5544) trump working behind the scenes to destroy Ukrainian democracy

      The republican party has become the playground of trump and his anti democratic policies. The reasoning is obvious. He wants to be the leader of America without elections to displace him. What is so startling is that too many Americans would like to see him succeed. We are mostly talking about white christian nationalists. They don't think that anyone who hasn't sworn allegiance to their God could possibly be worthy of being equal with them therefore should not be allowed to vote. They have taken their particular belief system and turned it upside down in order to justify inequality due to their perceived superiority.
     How they are able to do this in the face of traditional religious upbringings begs the following questions. When servitude is taught how is it that mastery over others is the result? Where greed in the form of "name it and claim it" is the virtue, while sacrifice and benevolence is the evil? Where welcoming strangers, which is taught in the Christian bible, is under trump the exception, and denying strangers, the rule? How is it that the cherry picked lessons of God are only attended to when they align with personal preferences? Why is greed and selfishness acceptable when the many more are forced to do without? These are all examples of the changing of the way too many people now see as godliness under the examples of religion under trump.
     For those who do not ascribe to these inverted effects of bad interpretation of religious teachings, and those who have their own principles of morality and ethics outside the ethos of religion, what trump is doing is horrendous. Mocking the traditional God of the Bible with his own brand of religious tomfoolery. For a man who never steps a foot inside a church it sure seems his flock is devoid of the hypocrisy. Those republican politicians who follow trump and parrot his demands, the dire state of Ukrainian aid is and will be difficult to become real when the whole idea of not sending it is the agenda. That trump wants putin to defeat the democracy Ukraine is dying to preserve is the last straw for the many of us who will never stop blocking his path to any more power.

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