Monday, April 1, 2024

(#5538) Reshaping my new life not unlike Ukraine reshaping theirs after russian invasion

      It is common for me to want to write about more than one subject and most often I have to choose which is the most prominent in my priority assessment. What is rarer is when I have two subjects that are different but also the same. Sure Ukraine and I are two different entities but we are both going through some changes that demand our attention. First off Ukraine is by far the more important subject and will get the most coverage here in this post but my life change is important to me and mine and although not as critical as Ukraine is still critical to me.
     I am assimilating my tapered down life into another's and it is a process of adding, subtracting, and combining. Much like with Ukraine. They are in the process of reevaluating all their previous administrative purposes and looking to downsize and reconfigure while remaining efficient in the delivery of their necessary societal goals. All democracies are faced with dilemmas as to what they can and can't do for their societies but when also under attack by a ruthless dictator the job becomes even more heightened and an imperative to bring to a realization.
     My life is flowing steadily along while Ukraine is having to mix and match at lightning speed to keep up with the ever changing dynamics of their current reality. What makes life for Ukrainians even more difficult is the lack of aid that was promised to them by the USA. Social concerns are less important when all your resources are furthered into protecting your right to exist on our planet. The aid will when it does hopefully come from us keep Ukraine in a protected and advancing mode while also allowing them to improve their society for their citizenry. May we both, Ukraine and I, have a happy transition into a better and best future as quickly in the present as possible.

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