Thursday, April 11, 2024

(#5548) The Democratic party is the party of faith and hope

      I spend a lot of time trying to describe the failed fallen republican party and not enough time giving an alternative to those troubled republican voters. Let us list a couple of ways the democratic party helps the working middle poor class in our nation. We democrats are champions of social security and health care. No other political party in the history of our nation has done more for our citizenry than the democratic party. For seniors and the infirmed the difference between having resources and care and having none is stark. Imagine being older and having to work out the last of your days doing the work that is expected from strong healthy younger folks?
     Imagine having to live with disabilities sustained over a lifetime of labor up until your dying day? Without social security and medicare the imagining would be real, not a dream. We democrats fight for equality like no other political party in the history of our nation. We are not able to achieve full equality because the republican party does not work to make equality between human beings a right. We democrats have secured many advantages for the downtrodden but the ways to go is still long and arduous. We democrats have the faith that humanity is still a virtue and that hope for the better and best we can be as humans is still viable.
     We democrats are strong and vigilant in our determination that all human beings deserve a life in this existence that has as many possibilities in it that justice, equity, and fairness may allow. We do not see the world through a lens of cant's and wont's but through a lens of shoulds and can's. We democrats want humanity, science, and logic to guide our decisions about how we exist in this vast Universe of possibilities. We want to treat each other fairly and with respect. We are all humans, thus our compassion should reflect that. Logic and science dictates that treating each other like we would want to be treated is the best guide for how we should be behaving. We democrats are optimists about life with the faith and hope to achieve great things through policies that enhance life not undermine it.

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