Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Building our blue wave off the hatred employed by trumps. (#3518)

     If there is one general thing that Americans cannot stand it is hatred employed as a tool for advancement. We are generally a decent lot of people who disagree on many things but one thing that unites us is squaring off against a bully when the bully is blatantly cruel. That trump is blatantly cruel everyday it is now old hat for us to be pissed off at him to no end degree. Which is the blue wave that has been borne of it. The attack on our democracy from every possible angle by trumps as they line their pockets with our national treasure is also a factor in the uniting of American souls against the wanna be addle minded dictator.
     Our countdown is now at 49 days until the next national election and for many of us it cannot come soon enough, even though it is rapidly approaching. What we Americans will be able to do is to give a thunderous democratic mandate to all republicans who survive that we the American people are the true power, not republican politicians. We will be able to neuter their attempts to dismantle further our democratic ideals. As to what trump will think it will hardly matter since his support system will have been removed from public power. The will of the American people to punish hatred and cruelty is about to be unleashed and for all the bravado trumps have displayed their nightmare is about to begin when our nightmare ends.
     The might and power of good and honor is about to begin it's reign even though trump may still be around. Because wrong will be investigated and as trump has shown he is all about doing things wrong in order to gain an advantage or to just display his cruelty. So will his vice president, current congressional leaders and cabinet ministers come under scrutiny for their selfish, cruel and greedy activities. A national cleansing is about to begin and it will be all for the better for America and the world at large. This evil stain on our nation will never go away but we can stop it from further darkening our lives. That will come in 49 days and for me it can't be a second too soon!

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