Wednesday, September 19, 2018

kavanaugh should withdraw (#3519)

     With the likelihood of a full blown credible attempted rape scandal approaching the republican nominee for the supreme court and the midterms just 48 days from now the smart thing to do is for the nominee to withdraw his name from consideration so as to temper the growing fervor that is being mounted by all good people everywhere. The republican party is already in jeopardy with a blue wave coming at them this November 6th, but that wave well could become a blue tsunami should the republicans try to force this nominee through without much vetting on his lies and his attempted rape allegation. If there are enough cool heads left in the republican party they will force the withdraw of his nomination and live to fight another day.
     The problem is that the cool heads that are left in the republican party are not in positions of power and therefore their voices are falling on mostly deaf ears. So it may well be that kavanaugh is voted in to the supreme court despite his ethical and moral failings which would then give democrats all the remaining fuel we need to thrust our blue wave to new heights happily imaginable come the voting time. But the damage to the supreme court will be for generations so a legislative big win will always be tempered by a judicial loss of great magnitude. But do the republicans want to be ousted out of power in congress? The weight of this coming decision is mighty and either way republicans have to give up something.
     We democrats would prefer that the nominee withdraw and a more moderate person be appointed. Not only would our constitution be more firmy protected from the outrageous agenda of the republican privileged and advantaged survival of the fittest crowd but our democracy would benefit in ways that are more tolerant and diverse. The logic of what to do is on the republicans as we continue to mount the pressure on them. Which way will they decide and if it is to withdraw they will at least have lowered the heat on themselves so close to the election that many of their more secure public seats will survive. Yet the chance to have a conservative majority supreme court ready to roll back all progressive policies is enticing and won't easily be dismissed.

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