Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Waiting on Jerry (#3505)

     I know it is reasonable to expect that every time a bill is passed by the legislature and is needing a signature of the governor to make it law, there needs to be careful consideration of the bill. Especially bills that run up against formidable opposition and expected contracted litigation. Yet despite the opposition the people's representatives have in their collective wisdom come to a decision none to lightly on their own. Even though our democracy has worked to provide policy and law for our citizenry, the final arbiter is our governor who must decide the fate of each bill if it is to become law. I appreciate this aspect of our government and although I feel uncomfortable with the extended time it is taking to come to a decision I trust that decision is being weighed carefully.
     That being said, this isn't that difficult to weigh. Maintaining a neutral Internet that is all about freedom of speech and equality of opportunity. The detriment to this bill does not outweigh its protections to a fair and just society. I know Jerry may have other reasons for taking his time on his decision to allow the people's will to carry but the suspense is more political than practical in my estimation. Don't get me wrong, in an era of extreme chaos in our political arena, all advantages must be calculated against the democracy destroying republican party. If waiting to see how the opposition to this net neutrality bill here in California signals an advantage than so much good for waiting.
     However, the longer the time goes by without Jerry's signature on the bill to become law takes the more uncertainty within the democratic party grows. There is going to be a blue wave election in 62 days so anything that may be an obstacle to it concerns all of us not only here in California but in our nation as well. Many will see a disastrous effect if Jerry decides that the bill will be too much a headache to defend in the courts and elects not to sign it. Not only will he be throttling back our blue wave momentum but he will give republicans a new optimism that we democrats are too spineless to combat their angry brutal agenda. The best option in all of this is for Jerry to stop waiting and make California's net neutrality bill become law without further delay.

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