Thursday, September 13, 2018

The child bully can do no wrong, just ask him! (#3513)

     If there is one constant in the person of trump, it is that it is never his fault. He was appointed the leader of America with all the problems that it had and that he created and yet it is always someone else's fault when something goes wrong. Even more so when things go wrong that he initiates he actually claims that they were a success. When things go right from previous presidents he does the reverse and claims that they were and are failures. Up is down in trump's world and wrong is right when he says so. There is no other way to see who he is other than a childlike bully who has to have his way or he upsets everyone else.
     The desperation that republicans live under is mind boggling in that they will go to any extreme to protect this infantile mess making of a president. So devoted to their republican ideology they would sacrifice democracy to save it. What we are finding out through investigations is that republicans from all levels of government hierarchy were involved in forcing their agenda through any quasi legal or outright illegal means possible. The rush to obtain power without the true consent of the people is their crime and the judgements from that crime will be bore out as time continues to show.
     So not only did republicans install a borderline psychotic ignoramus as our president but they did it through tactics mostly employed by our fierce enemies. The stench of treason is in the air and republicans are the ones who are excreting it. The one true thing in the universe is that we humans never stop trying to learn facts and truths so when the devious hiders of truth think their strategies have worked and they have hoodwinked us Americans what they will find out is that no one gets away with any kind of deception for long at this complex level. Even with the daily distractions of a child bully who is in a constant mode of making it up as he goes, the truth will prevail and a correction is getting nearer.

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