Friday, September 7, 2018

The difference between us (#3507)

     "'There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?'"-Robert Kennedy. Instead of looking into the past as a way forward like the republican vision, we democrats find that imagining a better future is the best vision to manifest our destiny for our human species. Like all things in the reality of existence, evolution is constant. So for our national conscience to be the same or equal to our previous evolution is standing still on progress as well as losing time for moving forward. It is equivalent to an Ostrich who chooses to hide his head in the sand instead of thinking of a new way to not only survive but to thrive.
     The republican party has chosen to hide it's head in the sand as a means for retaining the status quo. Which they fear is slipping from them due to the more progressive among us who see that we cannot stand still and allow ourselves to become hostage to greed, selfishness and dispassion for all life. Their real fear of change and the sometimes chaos that brings leaves them frozen to action. Their timidity is a defense against that fear and they fight like hell to maintain it. Yet, that is the little picture for them as they don't seem to be able to focus in on the big picture, our actual species survival. They know their own lives will be okay as such but they care not much a wit for the lives of generations that will follow.
     On the other hand we democrats are the party of imaginings and creativity. We see out beyond our own lives into the unknown and need to be bold to know it. We are the party of explorers and discoverers who know that this life is just beginning for our species and the more we know about where we are the better we will be at adapting to the constant real changes happening outside our control. Our society has not "arrived" yet so for republicans to want to keep things as they are is only a reflection of their simple minded selfishness to maintain their advantages and privileges for now and not dream of things that never were, and ask why not?

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