Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Supreme Court (#3504)

     Well this is the day I have been dreading since November 8th 2016 when I realized that trump was going to be appointed president. That awful gut punched feeling at knowing that he would get to pick at least one supreme court member. Well this week the disgusting human being mcconnell will make sure of it by forwarding another disgusting human being as a nominee despite widespread outrage over the choice. This is what republicans do, they connive and steal what they can to get what they want. We the good people who don't even consider cheating as a strategy have been caught out by republicans who have no shame nor dignity.
     So the court will now soon have the full agenda of hateful conservative policies in the majority and we the American people are left with whatever results they contrive. Our nation will now be bent toward the anti-democratic anti-social vision of the survival of the fittest creed. They will be able to wield their power over the rest of us with impunity. This is what I knew would happen at minimum. I actually thought that many of us would not survive the first few months of trump and his gang. So thankful for little favors, though I like still being alive, seeing the slow destruction of our democratic union is hellish.
     The only chance we democrats have going forward is to take back control of Congress in 2018 and then the presidency in 2020. From there we will have to wait out the retirements or expirations of the republican majority on the court. With only thomas as a near possibility the damage they will do will most likely cause our nation to rot from within. Unless we can put enough pressure on the republican court members at a rate that even they feel the heat of our breath on their necks. Because if there is one thing I know for a fact about republicans is that when the pressure is turned up on them they almost always wilt from the heat. Going forward our job as protectors of democracy is only going to get harder before it gets easier.

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