Monday, February 6, 2023

(#5118) Joe Biden is killing it on the economy

     The cost of things are going down in most economic sectors and the unemployment rate is doing the same at 3.4 percent nationally. More people are working for more money than ever. Inflation has been slowing down for the last 6 months and should remain doing so going forward. The cost of living is still not where we all would like it but it is not skyrocketing without a solution. With more jobs being open for employment the likelihood of increasing wages is most probable. When wages go up then so does productivity so both the worker and the owner will see increased success in the economic market.
     From the mess that trump left with a largely unchecked pandemic coursing through our veins to the loss of market opportunities ranging from bottlenecks at ports of delivery and closures of businesses due to decreased human activity of Covid related restrictions. Joe immediately set out to conquer the pandemic with policies and economic help for most of the vulnerable. He made getting antidotes to Covid a higher priority and provided free tests and shots for anyone who would take them. With Covid now under control the human activity in the marketplace has increased again and businesses that were shuttered have been able to reopen.
     President Biden has been one step ahead of every calamity that has followed the disastrous 4 year appointed president trump. If not for the steadfast focused diligence of Joe, the recovery we are in would be far less closer to being solved. If we have learned anything about choosing presidents I hope it is that the republican party is not a place to look for leadership. Not only are they insurrectionists but they are bad managers of economic importance. Their big claim to fame is to cut taxes for the wealthy which only put our national debt in a very bad place. They are still clamoring for even more tax cuts for the wealthy as an economic platform. Never again should we allow a republican to become a president of our country.

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