Saturday, February 25, 2023

(#5137) Authoritarianism is slavery!

      For those of you who are rooting for putin to conquer and destroy the Ukrainian culture you are an advocate of slavery! Because controlling other people's lives under authoritarianism is the same as making people slaves. Take from people their right to choose, their right to talk, their right to even pursue their own happiness and you have enslaved them to a life that is not freely chosen by them. Authoritarianism is control just the same way slavery was control. People are not property yet authoritarianism is just another form of making people property. Where the choice to come and leave is not allowed because a tyrant won't let it be so.
     We Americans live under democracy and as such may choose the life we wish to live. We are not beholden to anyone unless we choose that through written or oral contract. For those who are not allowed to choose their futures of their own free accord the tyrants and slave masters roam freely. The worst of our human natures is the outcome that allows for slavery and tyrants. So our worst natures must never be allowed to foment into the lives of our citizenry. There are many elements of the current republican party that are past primed for being tyrants and slave masters. They would take from all of us the equality that our principles demand in exchange for some illogical racist misogynist word candy.
     This is why the republican party here in America must be defeated and diminished so that the remnants of it's authoritarianism is laid dead and buried. Same with Ukraine and the effects of Russia's war criminal putin. The invasion by Russia into Ukraine must be stopped and Russians sent backwards toward their own borders and the instigators in the kremlin need to be brought out into the public square where they are adjudged for their many heinous crimes. As we abolished slavery here in American law the intent of slavery still needs to be purged from the hearts of dastardly men and women. As well we need to kill and bury the intent of tyrants who would be authoritarians who demand to rule a world of slaves at their feet.

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