Sunday, February 12, 2023

(#5124) The defense of Ukraine is about protecting democracy

      There are other reasons to help defend Ukraine like stopping a war criminal nation like Russia from destroying lives but in the big picture stopping Russia is about protecting democracy. Protecting the rights of a sovereign nation like Ukraine, to define it's own destiny, is a democratic principle. People who live under a social contract within borders deserve the right of self determination. What history has shown us is that when given a free and fair way of deciding a future, democracy is the dominant choice. So in the tradition of evolving our planet toward liberty, fairness, and equality of opportunity, the defense of Ukraine is well justified and clearly a prerequisite to our own survival as a threatened democracy.
     Having the right to participate in our own self determination allows us to be who we are when we decide what that is. We are not beholden to some other force from others who want to dictate to us who we are and when we will be that. Democracy gives every soul a chance to pursue their own happiness without fail. As an individual I would be ashamed if I didn't step up and fight for equal rights within a democracy nor any society that is striving for a democracy. Which is exactly what Ukraine is doing in their defense against the invasion by the authoritarian regime of the kremlin in Russia. Ukraine must prevail in this and likely will if we in the western nations who have established democracies continue to backstop them with the armaments they need.
     Ukraine right now is the epitome of the struggle for our future where people are the highest priority and leaders are our servants. The days of leaders being kings or tyrants are over and the new era of servitude is the foundation of guidance. The best of who we are as human beings can be directly attributed to democratic principles. Equality, justice, self determination, and pursuit of happiness are but a few of the principles we are gifted with when democracy is our form of government. Our species will grow immeasurably, both intellectually and spiritually, when we prevent the brutes of the world from taking our democracies and denying our rights as free human beings.

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