Friday, February 10, 2023

(#5122) Big Russian push into Ukraine before the snow melts into mud

      The relentless attacks in the east of Ukraine to gain better footholds to launch a major offensive is currently underway. I suspect that Russia will want to have as much an advantage in strategic territory before they are prepared to throw all their might into an illegal and monstrous conquering of land in a neighboring country. The kremlin is already throwing away Russian soldiers as expendable to gain these footholds and will not relent on sacrificing young lives for few kilometers of soil. Best described as cannon fodder is what is happening to Russian soldiers. They are pawns in the kremlin portfolio of death and will remain so as long as they are driven by the egoists in the kremlin.
     I am not feeling sorry for the Russian soldiers who are being used like throwaway disposables but the Russian mothers and fathers of these doomed to death soldiers should be. However it is clearly apparent that the parents are not against the idea of their children being slaughtered for the kremlin's ego. No matter how they are fed the propaganda of nationalism their failure to love their children more than their pride is abhorrent and does not evoke any sympathy from me. As to the young soldiers themselves they seem to have been indoctrinated enough to disappear any critical thinking on their own part and just follow along like the lemmings they emulate.
     Within a few weeks the ground in eastern Ukraine will become muddy and almost impossible to overcome as to tanks and attack vehicles. Yet it seems that fate is not on the side of the Russian invaders as time has become their enemy. They need an offensive now to try to catch Ukraine in a vulnerable position however the mud will make that vulnerability of Ukraine less significant. Russia has once again shown that they are not a worthy adversary on the battlefield as their overall strategies are less than ideal for their ambitions. They will go ahead with their offensive and it will bog down giving Ukraine many opportunities to eliminate them as sitting ducks. Ukraine defended masterfully in the east and now Russia will rightly suffer for it's ineptitude!

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