Friday, February 24, 2023

(#5136) The end is near for putin and his failed invasion of Ukraine

      The pro democracy western countries have had it with putin and his bullshit threats and lies! The weapons will be coming to Ukraine that Ukraine can then use to actually push Russia back from Ukraine's original borders. Apparently the brain trust of the world has figured out that putin is full of bluster as to threatening nuclear attacks to the point that having built up a larger nuclear arsenal to counter anything putin can do they are now comfortable with supplying Ukraine the smart conventional weapons it actually needs. No more is the west to be cautioned by putin the wanna be bully. Ukraine will win against this murderous invasion of Russia and the time to end this murderous decadent folly of putin is now.
     A major offensive is being planned by Ukraine for the spring but don't be surprised if Ukraine does something earlier. The Russians for their part tried to do their offensive over the last few weeks but were stymied by superior Ukrainian combat forces and the brain trust of the Ukrainian military command. Russia is on the verge of having lost 150,000 troops in total within a few days so their competency in planning and instituting their strategy has been a miserable failure. As the weapons pour into Ukraine from many different countries the Ukrainian defense is buttressed significantly while the Russians are scrounging for troops throughout their limited empire even to sending in convicts as front line troops.
     How much longer will putin hold out before the rats in the kremlin turn on him as the scapegoat so as to extricate themselves out of what they well may perceive as war criminal defendants. Because when this failed invasion is finally put to rest there will be an accounting and those Russians who are still advocating to extend the invasion will be the first to have to answer to the coming war tribunal. Where does putin end up? I don't know or if he even has a chance to live beyond this ego driven disaster he led. But for certain putin will either be tried or he will have been removed permanently from a life of existence by either falling out of a high rise window or too much polonium tea.

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