Monday, February 20, 2023

(#5132) Destroying our democracy is no laughing matter!

      I cannot be more ashamed and embarrassed for our nation because of the treachery to destroy our democracy committed by republicans. Nothing they do will ever erase what they attempted and are still attempting to do. Who the hell do they think they are? They are not going to get anything from me and if I had my way they would all be paying a heavy price in prison! Why our justice system is so inept at the moment in rounding these traitors to democracy up is beyond me. If I as a regular person would have done what they did I would already be rotting in some ill forsaken prison. So why aren't they?
     I suspect that politics has a lot to do with it but I say the hell with politics because the rule of law supersedes any fudging of the facts here. There cannot be any compromise when it comes to preserving our democracy. There cannot be any slap on the wrist for committing one of the most heinous of crimes of trying to forcibly break our social contract with each other. Our fore fathers and mothers installed our democracy as a protest to the tyranny of autocracy and monarchy. Our way of government has been slowly but surely working its way toward full rights for everyone. We are not there yet but the momentum is on our side. Yet there are those who don't want full participation in our democracy of all and are seriously trying to usurp our constitution.
     These would be those who command the republican party and their ill informed voters. Through untrue news outlets and a rallying cry of hatred for those who are not like them. They persist to not only overthrow our elected government but to install a form of government similar to the putin led Russia. When the appointed president trump wooed the tyrants of the world as exalted leaders he effectively made known that the rights of all citizens under democracy were not going to be protected under his watch. Had not Joe Biden defeated trump in the 2020 election and staved off an attempt to overthrow that election we would likely right now be saddled with an autocratic trump who had no plans of ever leaving the presidency. How anyone can still defend and vote for republicans are as bad as the republican party leaders who want to destroy democracy!

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