Thursday, February 9, 2023

(#5121) No advances by russians

      I said early this last weekend that the Russians will do all they can within this week to get their next aggressive offensive started and this week would be the tell if they will be able to do it. Well we are almost through this week and Russia has barely budged forward from the lines that existed last week. Even though they are throwing countless men forward in their attempts to set the stage for their large offensive. Instead they are losing close to 1000 troops a day to death from Ukrainian defensive fire. Through bullets, missiles, mines, and bombs the Russian advances on several fronts in the east of Ukraine are failing.
     Which takes the steam out of a Russian offensive. They still have time to get themselves into a more advantageous position to springboard their offensive but the window for that is rapidly closing. The rainy season is about upon them which would make any successful offensive much more difficult and more improbable. As long as the Ukrainian defense and small counterattack strategies hold the Russians will be left out in the cold with little to show for their loss of life and armaments this week. Which brings another dynamic into play. Some generals in the hierarchy of the kremlin are about out of patience with putin, if he is still alive, and are about to do something about it. Especially if this new Russian offensive about to begin stalls in its tracks.
     Also as each day goes by the armaments that the west has committed to Ukraine keep arriving. They are being situated as needed to not only keep Russia from getting on the threshold of their offensive but will be waiting for them if they either do get on the threshold and start their offensive; or don't get on the threshold and start their offensive anyway. However the scenario plays out the current defense of Ukrainian lines in the east is holding and making for a very uncomfortable Russian response. No doubt the Russians will keep throwing their soldiers into the Ukrainian buzz saw and the daily deaths will continue in the near 1000 deaths a day for Russian soldiers while still not getting much tangible from it.

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