Wednesday, March 1, 2023

(#5141) Ferreting out the colluders in the US who are helping putin avoid sanctions

      It is a well known fact that many republican politicians in the US are admirers of the putin regime. If it is found out that they are helping putin skirt national/international sanctions against Russian products and or are facilitating any armaments to Russia then they must be held to account. This is serious business with Ukrainians dying every day as a result of putin's actions in Ukraine. If any American is caught helping Russia kill innocents then they are colluding and aiding a terrorist state destabilize not only Ukraine but the world at large. Collaboration with an enemy is punishable so we who are the stewards of our democracy must hold to account any and all who are caught profiting off of the misery in Ukraine.
     As the republican party has shown they would attempt an insurrection to get their way despite the voters not backing them. They have an agenda that they want to implement and nothing democracy dictates will stop them. So to think they would help putin move his oil around the globe is not a stretch of the imagination at all. Because for one thing they admire putin because he is a dictator. The republican party has moved so far to the right that now fascism is their growing middle of the road political philosophy. No longer are republicans devoted to one person one vote. Instead they are moving back to the pre civil war days when only people of property could vote and those who were not white property owners were considered more like property that free human beings.
     So do we Americans have the will to uproot our instigators of fascist revolution or will we let them slowly turn our democracy into an autocracy with a brutishly cruel tyrant as the leader? Are we Americans so devoid of character any more that we would let people of color become less than citizens again? Will we Americans once again make women a lesser form of human being? The America I live in now is at a crossroads! We either stand on the shoulders of our foreparents and represent the gift of democracy they fought and died for or do we step aside because we have no courage left and let the scoundrels of the world degrade and denigrate the rights we have attained toward a more perfect union.

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