Thursday, March 23, 2023

(#5163) Always do things correctly

      A very important lesson I have learned is that by doing things right, you rarely will have to go backwards to make them right. In other words when you do a task correctly it is done and then the next task is available for you. No matter what the tasks are, in your work life or in your personal life. When we try to take shortcuts to save time or energy we more often than not find that we missed something important and then have to redo the task in order to make it correct. But in redoing we often find the moment has passed and no amount of doing the task correctly a second time will make it as correct than having done it correct the first opportunity.
     For me lessons are often trial and error as much as I wish that was not the case. I sometimes find that logical thinking helps me avoid some trial and error lessons but certainly not enough of the time. In many cases however there is no way of being logical about something without having all the facts or cultural understandings. So for the most part many of us are stuck with trial and error as our teacher. The thing with trial and error is that once a task has been found to be correct, it should always be done the correct way in order to fulfill the task at its premium. When we are not loyal to doing things the correct way once we learn the correct way is when we get into a whole bunch of trouble.
     I find life much more relaxing and confident when I do things correct regardless of the temptations to "save" time through shortcuts. The task may take me longer to do by doing it correctly but in doing it correctly I can never be challenged as to my process. Especially when tasks are complex any missed step along the way could pose foundational errors to the end result. In business you find that there is a method to the creation of process. That process has been calculated to reach certain achievements within a time frame and when that time frame is lengthened due to backtracking, where backtracking was unnecessary, due to shortcutting then we find business being altered to a lesser goal. Keeping to the formula of doing things correct will only enhance the operation, not diminish it.

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