Sunday, March 5, 2023

(#5145) We human beings are an incredible species

      It has been a little while since the last time I laid out what it is to be a human being. Several decades ago it occurred to me that our species had two main traits. That of curiosity and compassion. In other words we wonder and we care. Well not all human beings are ordered this way as some within our species are wired differently, especially those who are have psychopathy issues. But the vast majority of us are within the spectrum that has curiosity and compassion at the center of our lives. Those two traits help us to imagine and love. Fulfilling our basic needs for purpose in life. Yet, in the denial either/or of these two traits, more nefarious lesser traits emerge. Which explains why some folks have uncharacteristically cruel behaviors outside the spectrum of curiosity and compassion.
     We as human beings are also a physical species. We are not invincible, yet we are adaptable to most all Earthly terrain. We have not mastered outer space as of yet but we are making advances that would allow us into that enormous unexplored vacuum. As individual beings we have a mind that is much like a computer. We register information, analyze it, and then conclude as best as possible an outcome. The complexity of our memories, both long and short term is breathtaking. Time and space have nothing on us as we are able to think in ways that incorporate new logical information with historical knowledge. Again, it is our curiosity that informs our minds and our compassion that brings that home to the rest of us.
     Much like all species' we take care of our "family" of humans for the most part. We are still learning that we are all the same in the important ways and soon in time we will all get there. Our care for each other is still dominant and will win out over the lesser traits that have negatively manifested themselves over the history of our species. We are stronger together as a group that can imagine possibilities and create from those imaginings. I often think of us as probes. We take in information and return logic from it. As a difference from probes though we are also caring. We have the chance to be the most amazing species to have ever filled time and space. It is ours to claim if we can keep from turning in on ourselves instead of staying turned out toward our uninhibited destiny.

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