Friday, March 31, 2023

(#5171) Finally the retribution for trump's crimes

      Yesterday was a significant day. Since nixon, no president had been under so much criminal scrutiny for his behavior before, during, and after his appointed presidency. That nixon escaped criminal trials was only because gerald ford, nixon's appointed successor, pardoned him. There will be no pardon from Joe Biden on behalf of trump and that is the correct stance. No one should have a get out of jail free card when it comes to the rule of law. If we are not a democracy then say so because a democracy demands that all are treated equally when it comes to the laws we live by.
     The current crime trump has been indicted for is a state crime therefore no federal official can pardon trump anyway. He will have to abide by the laws of New York and face his accuser. One Tuesday it is said that trump will turn himself in and be booked for an arraignment. I have no doubt he will be able to post bail and await his trial in freedom. Yet the trial will take place and as I surely suspect no plea deal will be emerging, given trump's evasive attitude from the beginning. It is fair to say that he deserves his day in court to argue his innocence against the evidence the New York Attorney General has accumulated.
     The problem for trump is that the evidence is surely quite convincing and at this stage few could doubt that trump will be found guilty. However the presumption of innocence is assumed and only the evidence will be allowed to convince the jurors that trump is guilty. However, given the wrangling of trump against these charges it would appear even he knows he is going to be found guilty. His behavior has been that of a guilty man and all that is left is the process of proving it beyond a reasonable doubt. Once that occurs the interesting part will be the sentencing and how much time he will have to do under New York's sentencing guidelines.

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