Monday, March 20, 2023

(#5160) Try he might to save himself, putin is done for

      The latest little face saving trip to Crimea is not going to affect the outcome of this invasion putin started and is losing in Ukraine. Acting like he is a statesman is funny on so many levels, especially since the International Criminal Court in the Hague has issued an arrest warrant for him. He has abducted Ukrainian children in violation of international law. He can be tried in absentia if he refuses to recognize the validity of the court. Which will happen since he has already said he doesn't recognize the court's authority. What this means though is that all the countries that do recognize the International criminal Court as legitimate he will be able to be arrested if he sets one foot in their territories.
     So in 123 nations putin is not going to be able to travel. Which makes life tough for a criminal leader of a nation not to be able to travel. The countries he can travel to are not as civilized as the 123 so his options for statesmanship are very limited. So are his options for hiding. He is a marked man and putin knows it now. His invasion has been pushed back and stalled all across the front lines. He is facing a challenge from the leader of the wagner mercenary group who would happily replace him if given or he takes the opportunity. Such is the life as a tyrant, there are no rules of law that govern to protect his position other than strong arm tactics.
     If those in the kremlin finally decide they have had enough of losing an invasion then putin will find himself devoid of any sufficient backing to keep his position. he will also find that his life is worth very little to those who have feared him in the past. His options are to win in Ukraine and preserve his status, which doesn't look likely at all. Or lose in Ukraine and then let the chips fall where they may. He may find a way to escape Russia with all his massive ill gotten gains but that seems even less likely than him winning in Ukraine. The choices putin has at the moment are not good ones and all that is keeping him in power is teetering on defeat in Ukraine. The end is soon for putin and for that I welcome it!

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