Wednesday, March 22, 2023

(#5162) Russia is losing more than a 1,000 troops a day due to death and injury

     I don't know about you but it seems to me that losing that many troops over a period of time is going to decimate the Russian invasion. Not only is Russia losing so many troops per day but they are the elite troops. What will Russia backfill their ranks with? New conscripts going up against the elite troops that Ukraine is burgeoning with? As the promised western weapons are arriving earlier than expected, and the massive losses Russia is experiencing, the tide of this invasion is about to turn. Ukraine has for the most part been holding holding ground against constant Russian assaults since last October. If Russia could not gain ground on Ukraine when they still had a lot of troops then to expect them to gain ground now after suffering so many losses is ludicrous.
     Yet that is the modus operandi of the Russian strategy. Throw all their troops into battle, experience heavy losses and then do the same again. It won't be long before Russia is saddled with the stark reality that they don't have enough troops to keep their invasion going. Meanwhile as Ukraine keeps solid in their defensive positions and building up for their spring offensive, the momentum is all on the side of the Ukrainians. It won't be long before the Ukrainians advance into current Russian held Ukrainian territory and find themselves mowing down what little opposition is left on the bedraggled Russian side.
     The end is near now as Russia is closing in on nearly 170,000 dead troops with few who are able to replace those in experience and knowledge. Within a few weeks the Ukrainian counter offensive will begin and the Russian army such as it is now will have little to offer in resistance. It serves them right for all the arrogance the Russian military brass has shown toward Ukraine. There will be no stopping Ukrainian determination to reclaim all their territory back from Russia and dispel the occupiers from their land. A new day is coming in Europe and for that we can be grateful to the Ukrainian people, its leadership and western resolve to stop putin and his demented tyranny dead in its tracks.

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