Saturday, March 11, 2023

(#5151) We need all democracies to stand up for democray!

      The republican party is being buoyed by authoritarian countries so we democrats need to be buoyed by democracy loving countries. If republican are not held to account for their support by tyrants then we democrats shouldn't be held to account through support of our democratic partners. In essence if the rules are changed to benefit one political party here then the other party can also use the same tactics. Because when advantages are only allowed for the rule changing party then their form of authoritarianism is already under way. So we democrats need our allies to help us win elections just like the allies of republicans do. The only difference then would be who these allies are.
     The republicans would have as allies the dictators of the world like Russia, North Korea, Iran and we democrats would have as allies nations like Canada, England, and France. I would imagine that we democrats would be able to sway voters much more convincingly toward self governance than the republicans who want to rule over everybody. When more people are making arguments for democracy the better the message will be understood by the time the voting has begun. Again, republicans are always trying to change the rules of law on elections so I say if they are not held to account on those rule changes then we should employ the same rule changes.
     We democrats must stay up with and then out ahead of any attempt of republicans to dishonestly abscond with our elections. They are already ahead on gerrymandering congressional districts that favor them holding more districts through racially disadvantageous, and political party, line drawing of district maps. They are already ahead on state laws that give republicans easier access to the ballot while making it difficult for democrats to enjoy the same experience. So if republicans are allowed to use outside interference in our elections then we democrats must also use the same tactic. My theory is that if it isn't being held into account as against the law then we democrats should use the tactic to our advantage.

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