Wednesday, March 29, 2023

(#5169) Democrats solve problems, while republicans encourage problems!

      There is no other way to say this. Calling it what it is, is the only way we can all know what is going on. From guns to high food and energy prices, we democrats are the only party that is working to solve the problems that are causing enormous pain and suffering to our society. We are getting little to no help with trying to find solutions from the republican party. The reason is is that the republicans are not concerned about the deaths of our children from school shootings when weighed against the right to own a killing machine like an AR15. The republican party has taken the side with of the profiteers when they can and do manipulate the market. It seems that the only reason republicans exist is to help the wealthy profit off of the misery of the working middle poor class.
     How they manipulate their lifelong voters into a blind spot that keeps them is some power is beyond me. I know that many republican voters have been loyal to the brand for generations but the difference here is that the republican brand has been devalued while not being affected by voter loyalty. It speaks to an ignorance of cause and effect. Conservatism was a somewhat valid position when it applied itself to budgets and spending. However, conservatism has branched out into social society to work to not deregulate "morality" laws but to regulate them as if they are sacred. By morality laws I mean strict adherence to compulsory acceptance by all. Well morality laws are not natural nor universal.
     I expect that lifestyle issues that many conservative voters hold dearly are the driving force of their insistence at remaining republican voters. Instead of accepting all for their own personal choices of lifestyle the republican party is now holding that only a belief system example of holiness can endure to be our national lifestyle. Forcing round pegs into square holes is the republican philosophy and it is not going over very well with the democratic ideals, logical/common sense crowd. Again, republicans are not problem solvers instead they are problem creators. They need to live and let live as their rule and then join the rest of us and tackle the real problems lacking equity, fairness, justice and equality of opportunity.

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