Sunday, March 31, 2024

(#5537) The republican party keeps playing games with Ukrainian lives!

      Everyday I check to see if the republicans in the House will finally get to a point where they put the Ukrainian aid bill up for a vote. Everyday I continue to be disappointed. They always have some lame excuse for not giving the Senate passed Ukrainian bill a vote and each time it gets more lame if that is possible. They have no justifiable excuse for withholding the aid because they don't admit the urgency of the aid that is already 4 months late in getting to Ukraine. They tell us that other things are more important but don't work on the other things and instead spend more time away from Washington than they would if they were serious.
     For those of you who don't follow politics here in America it is all about not telling the truth with republicans. They have some power and are using that power to not only destroy the democratic process here but are working to help the tyrant putin because they worship at the altar of their false god trump. Yes, the republican party is now more cult like than representative of their voters. To republicans, power is the essence of their purpose, not governing to the betterment of our society. You can see it with trump who is the epitome of someone who would trade democracy for tyrannical rule. He has instructed his House sycophants like johnson to withhold the Ukrainian aid vote to make Joe Biden look bad.
     That is the kind of person trump is, like nixon, who kept the Vietnam war going so as to hurt democrat Hubert Humphrey in the 1968 presidential election. The republican party is about not telling the truth about things so that they can fool many people into believing they care about our democracy. Even though they have in the face of us taken away the right of women to be equal partners in our democracy. It is my hope that one day we the American electorate will wake up to the fact that republicans are not sincere nor allies with the rest of us in keeping the dream of our foreparents alive and evolving. Shame on them and for those who vote for them to continue to destroy our democracy!

Saturday, March 30, 2024

(#5536) The republican party elevates money over people

      I have been trying to differentiate the effects of the two major political parties and this keeps coming up in my head. That republicans do not give life of beings the same deference they give to treasure. It is the one narrative that keeps coming up in all the different paradigms of how we live within our society. The republican party is about self and not about selflessness. The only sacrifice republicans are willing to make is for themselves to profit from. Not from any noble ideal that has its roots in principle or honor, but for accumulation and desire. Where philanthropy does exist in the republican sphere it is offset by deductions and benefits on their tax returns.
     Everything is a transaction to republicans. There has to be a return on investment that is tangible and with an increasing effect to their own personal wealth. Their hearts are not in the social difficulties that are readily created unto others through their own actions. Their hearts are well satisfied by the increased thickness of their wallets. Starving children and adults get a concerned look from some republicans but unless there is money to be made from helping the unfortunate it is back to "take care of yourself". My description may seem to be harsh to some but it is a general observation that is not an embellishment. Whereas for the most part we democrats are about people over money, the same cannot be said for republicans.
     We democrats realize something that republicans fail to capitalize on. They don't understand the value of humanity and how life isn't just about money. We democrats know money is part of how we exist in our societies but we also know that the more of us who participate in our societies the better off our societies become. Our own pocketbooks are important but when we all have a pocketbook with a livable amount in it the better the world is around us. In that our own personal wealth is enhanced by all who participate in society with a share in it. This republican mantra of wanting all of what one individual can possibly attain is not the approach to take when we democrats show that all of us sharing in the wealth we together create is a far superior approach to increasing happiness and our pursuit of it.

Friday, March 29, 2024

(#5535) How badly men treat women

      I had intended to write about how difficult it is to express humor on Facebook but I was informed by a post sent to me about how women are left with such different thoughts during the day that I as a man take for granted. First, when I wake up in the morning I am not burdened about clothing I wear or shouldn't wear. I am not forced into a defensive mode every time I go outside beyond the safety of my home. Even then precautions are taken by women to be aware of their surroundings outside their own homes. As a man I do not default to caution as my day begins, I automatically think like a free human person who has all the options available should I choose.
     Unlike women who are aware of their surroundings because we the male species have made them uncomfortable and even fearful for their safety and even their lives. That my mind doesn't have to worry about concerns for safety and my life everyday I am able to enjoy my day and the myriad choices I can make without having a plan to live them to survive. The reason is that a sense of enculturation that women are less than men is still pervasive in the more reluctantly intelligent parts of our nation. They presuppose that women are more like property than free human beings as a rule. There are many of us men who do not think like that but not enough of us can change the behavior of those who are less able to evolve their own early flawed learning.
     Too many men are satisfied with being the boss of women and they are not likely to relinquish that illogical fallacy. Women are amazing. They create, they care and they lead with compassion and strength. We men are less able to lead because we are less able to understand the details like women can as a rule. Some of us men are able to combine the best of what a human being can be to conclude that we are not all selfish cruel beings but not enough in my book. We men generally put women into a reality where they fear more than enjoy and for that I apologize for all of us. Sadly though the men out there who are still happy with women being property is still a problem but a problem that will be solved because I refuse to let it remain the great injustice it is. Link to post that struck me.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

(#5534) Dying with dignity

      My brother John is the topic for discussion this morning. As some of you may know John had a debilitating stroke that has taken him from his home with me to a hospice care facility. Since, very recently, I have also moved from my home and into another part of the country. So as his medical and legal advocate I decided to give another family member who is close to where he actually is the right to make decisions on his behalf with the caveat that I agree. Which as things are now I am in full agreement with this family member because we are both like minded about how the life of John should continue with care, dignity, and respect.
     This moment in time of John's condition has been arduous and less than happy for him and for those of us who care about him. But life is what it is and we who have an understanding about the emotion and patience concerning life and death issues realize that sacrifice and duty are values worthy of our time and effort. John was an important part of our lives and although he is less able to function as a member he is no less valuable as a part of our family. Since I am no longer able to be part of John's immediate circle I feel that this won't be a detriment as another family member is now going to fill as best as possible my intent toward John's remaining days with us.
     Those of us who are in a position to choose to be helpful in hard situations are filled with the knowledge that but for luck there go I. So we treat our loved ones with the same respect and dignity that we would hope would be bestowed upon us given a similar situation. We are human and as such should exemplify the best qualities that end of life care should provide. John's life is still ongoing but his decline is imminent to some degree. We don't know when but we shouldn't think of when as much as we should be thinking about how to be of service to him now. Time will take care of the rest. In the meantime John will be given a level of care that he deserves as a loved and valued member of our family.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

(#5533) Reorganizing my life

      I haven't had much time to reflect on events that have up to this point in my life shaped my outlook because I have taken myself from one location to another. I like to think of it as an uprooting of all that is me to place myself into a different environment. Both environments were and are good but this one I am now in, given all the intervening factors, is an improvement for me personally. I have finally found my soulmate and getting to her outweighed all other considerations despite them being difficult and emotional. Yet the decision has been accomplished and now it is time to put myself together here in an ordered way.
     I was able to take just my pickup truck full of the most important things in my life with me to start anew. I left behind many things that otherwise had value to me but were not necessary for my future. My truck will finally be offloaded later today and I will be able to get at some of the more nuanced items I have packed away. As of now I feel like I am just somewhat a visitor in my new beginning and when I get into my other things that are difficult to access until my truck is emptied will I really feel like I have begun to exist in my new home. I am odd that way I suppose since I am fully made to feel like this is my home but for me it is the comfort of things I am used to having at my beck and call that will bring about a complete being at home feeling.
     Once I have organized my belongings into their spaces will I know this is the new me in another space. Of course the biggest difference is that I am now loved by another and that is the overarching realization that does make me feel almost at home. By surrounding myself with what I have brought with me to simplify and make my life more efficient will I know deep down that my move is completed and my new home is settled in my heart. I am a lucky man for having found love this late in life but I am also satisfied that this love is worth all the work and effort it takes to make it real and everlasting.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

(#5532) Logically experiencing my emotions

      To begin with, I am still not perfectly well processed with my different emotions. I find that I am still less than mature when it comes to disappointment, and alternatively, satisfaction at the other end of the spectrum. I am a person who seems to like being in the middle of all emotions. Sort of like ordinary things being better for me than them being extraordinary. Yet they are not and yet I still have a difficulty being in tune with how to properly process my emotions in some areas of my life. For instance, I struggle with being congratulated for things that appear to me to be no brainers.
     I also get angry with myself for the often many ridiculous things I do counter to good common sense and logic. However, I do know that doing the simple right things at times are considered special when the circumstances are chaotic or confusing. I also know that chastising myself for the many blunders I seem to cause is a bit over the top when they are more much ado about nothing than about me and the too high a bar standards I set for myself. In other words I still haven't regulated a protocol for processing my emotions in a completely efficiently proper way. I am human and will make mistakes but I cannot use that as an excuse not to evolve my own behavior.
     I do want to say something here that may sound counter intuitive. My emotions are attached to my logic a lot of the time. I make logical decisions with the knowledge that those decisions will cause me pain, hurt, and suffering as well as happiness, joy, and peace. I cannot deny the fact that logic and emotion are intertwined in my life and for that I would never want to escape. So there is more to a human being than them being just logical or emotional. I am both because they serve each other as the beginning of a behavior that is natural and real to me.

Monday, March 25, 2024

(#5531) Updated status on my move after writing this blog post

      I have decided that I can leave this early morning after writing this blog post. I have all things packed except a few things that are right here in front of me like this laptop and some small items still on my desk. I will go to my local gas station, top off and check my tires for any need of air and then it is off to my new home up on the western side of the state of Washington. It is unique that for the last many years I have longed to go back to the Seattle area but in my mind I knew that the logistics were nearly impossible, until this last December when things moved into place that forced a life changing decision that made the impossible, possible.
     Falling in love can do that to a person even one long in the tooth like me who has never been in a committed relationship that is at the stage of marriage this coming July. There was little doubt that moving up to her was the correct option instead of her moving down here to me especially since I wanted to be up north. Getting this move accomplished required many moving parts to fall into place and that they have. Almost like a synchronicity of fate was and is at play. In other words destiny knocked on my and Judy's door and we both answered. It is hitting me a bit this morning the leaving behind but like all things in this existence very few things are designed for an unchanging.
     A few of those things that are designed for remaining the same are instincts like our compassion and curiosity. These two things are my guiding principles for living and both are about to take a prominent center stage in my life as I venture from this setting to a new one. For love in my heart and wonder at what comes next, both will help me through to a place where the best of who I am will be allowed to flourish and grow. I will have many fond memories of my time here back in my hometown where I relearned what it is to be a good human being again. Many from here will live on with me in my memories and happy those memories will be for me.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

(#5530) Last big push to get my things boxed up

      I have finished the majority of my packing the easy stuff and the hard stuff. Now it is time to find the few remaining items that are not easily noticed but just as valuable. The last minute things that are going to take careful scrutiny with a practiced eye. I have not loaded much but at least most is packed and ready to be strategically located into the bed of my truck. I thought I might need a trailer to pull what I was going to take but as I got into actually packing I realized that I could fit it all in the back of my truck with the electronics I am taking being on the back seat on the inside of my quad cab truck.
     I will finish loading today and tarping everything up water tight because I know on my 12 to 14 hour trip up to Seattle I will encounter rain as it is the season for it. Either way I will be prepared. I didn't think I would take a lot of stuff with me but it seems that I do have a lot of stuff that is valuable to me. I will probably whittle down a little more once I get to my new home. Where I am going the house is already set with everything a newly to be domesticated man could imagine. Yet there are some things that I need for how I live that must be added to the mix in however we, Judy and I, will configure. Still having simplified my life to one stuffed truck load is pretty good maneuvering.
     I, as you can imagine, am worn out from the drive to get myself leaving on the 26th, 2 days hence. Yet I have much more to do and although taking the time to sit and write this blog does my legs and back some good I will need to finish this and then get back at the process I can envision that gets me on the road for Tuesday, hopefully before midday. The rush to get this move of mine done will help to mask the feelings I have for leaving my home for another. Yet know this, I am a happy man despite the feelings of what I am leaving behind. The last great adventure of my life is about to begin and for me it is the best of times yet still to come.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

(#5529) The unrest in Russia

      As each day that Russia sends their troops to death in Ukraine the unrest in Russia increases. Russia's putin has little in the way of extra troops to end much of any uprising that is now fomenting in Russia. What is now more possible is that the people of Russia may now be ready to rise up and confront putin and his kremlin bootlickers. The Russian people need to become more involved in the wherewithal that putin is involving them in. He, putin, has already destroyed the world standing of Russia among civilized nations and caused the Russian people sufferings and hardships within their families through dead young Russian soldiers and with fewer economic considerations.
     The choice the Russian people have is stark. Either follow putin down the path of a world war or end his reign of disruption and death. The choice seems clear among those of us who are not craven murderers who care less about pain and suffering than their own false sense of superiority. The time may now be ripe with all the incursions by pro Ukrainian Russian forces within Russia causing havoc in strategically located regions within Russia. The damage they are doing is not only significant but it is serving to inspire others who were less courageous to now commit to ending the reign of putin.
     When the wrong you are doing is so devastating that ordinary people are becoming angry and fearless then the wrongdoers are in for more than they thought would come their way. The putin's of the world will soon find their avenues of escape and safety all ended. They will also learn that brutality and cruelty have a cost that they will have to pay. No one is immune to the cost benefit ratio although it may take longer to achieve for some. As the heat is turned up by pro western militia's within Russia the Ukrainians will likely find the defense of their country a little easier as the Russian troops will be even less motivated about fighting in Ukraine when their own country is being sent into upheaval from within.

Friday, March 22, 2024

(#5528) Busy day today

      On a personal note, I am very busy today gleaning through what I have accumulated for the last many decades. I am only taking the bare minimum with me to my new life and winnowing that down is a bit of a challenge. Not so much emotional as utilitarian. I am just like others before me and since that kept things I could well use in the future but didn't. Those things will go easily. The harder things to part with are the things that are still of use but are no longer required. But like all things inanimate I will let them go and if needed in the future may easily be replaced with more modern versions. I am making this move by choice and that supersedes all other considerations of my own personal preference.
     So this morning the bedroom and it's contents will be assessed and then added to the going with me, giveaway, or throw away piles. The furniture, dressers, mirror, and nightstands are going to be given away to hopefully someone with a need. I have out front of my house a pile already for "free stuff" giveaway and lots have been gone away. More to come over the next 3 days and then what is left is slated for throw away. The rest I will put in my truck to the brim if needed for the trip up north. I do believe that after my last dental appointment on Tuesday morning that I will stock my truck, nap, and then go. So I now know my departure day and that will please a certain lady up north who has been my motivator and champion to start my new life with.
     The next 80 hours or so will be a whirlwind of activity as it should be for a man who has just changed most everything in his 68 years of life. All for the better it will be with some fondness for my time here in my California, I will leave with a happy heart. My lady is passionate about who I am so changing from anything we all know to be will not occur. Here is some advice, if looking into a relationship with anyone make sure you are like minded. Nothing is harder to change than your nature, regardless of the cause. Anyway, this little bit of respite writing this blog post is about over so back to the detailed task of rummaging through my life and choosing what that looks like by Monday evening. I feel like a kid starting out in life with a great adventure before me. Here is to all of us finding the happiness we should all be pursuing. :)

Thursday, March 21, 2024

(#5527) California passed the mental health care and homeless bill into law

      The vote was close throughout whether this bill would pass even in a democratic stronghold like California. Even as we democrats are all for helping our society through the ills and obstacles of republican uncare we are still fiscally responsible. This law is based upon a bond which is a loan and needs to be repaid in the future with interest. So the vote shows us the split between our care for our fellow human beings and our concerns for affording that care in this particular form. Well as you can see the better part of our natures won over the concerns of our pocketbook. For that I am humbly excited. Because this law will actually start to reverse the increased homelessness here in our state and give other states a template in how they treat their own homelessness problems.
     When republican ronald reagan worked to eliminate mental health care for the mentally challenged in the 1960's our streets were the logical home for these folks who could not assimilate into our society with any cohesion. We here in California have been paying the price of this cavalier approach to another problem republicans would rather bury their heads in the sand over. Well in the intervening years these folks have become a staple on our streets and a harm to themselves. With even more economic mayhem republicans are causing; the chances of the working middle poor class of ending up on the streets themselves with the mentally challenged is only increasing. Between the mentally challenged and the culture of drug and alcohol addiction stubbornness a solution was needed and this law will be that attempt.
     Creating beds and outpatient treatment options to serve to diagnose and treat the root causes of mental instability is a start. Our society has a part in this as our societies are not functioning as free and fair environments that offer opportunities to all but that is for another law to be created. This one however is a major accomplishment and will start to show that our desire to solve our problems is greater than our desire to ignore them. I would hope republicans would start to realize this and join the rest of we democrats in being efficient and intelligent about solutions that are out there instead of fighting us when we only have what is best for all of us at heart.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

(#5526) NATO ground troops in Europe to fight against putin since republicans refuse to aid Ukraine!

      The idea of NATO sending ground troops into specific areas outside and inside Ukraine is neither unthinkable nor unreasonable. When French President Macron suggested the idea last week he was ignored by many but as the days have passed forward the idea is now starting to take shape. Other western leaders are starting to make plans for an invasion by Russia into their boundaries. Let me be perfectly clear here. If Russia is not stopped in Ukraine it will continue to invade in order to bolster the ego of putin. He is on a mad dash to control all of Europe if we don't stop him now.
     Which is why the many of us have been advocating fiercely for the republicans in the House of Representatives to bring the Ukraine aid bill up for a vote. The republican leadership keeps saying they are for Ukraine but their non action on the vital aid bill speaks the total opposite. I have also been saying for decades that the republican party says one thing in public and the opposite by their inaction. They know that they can fool people easily because people do not generally fact check them. Well many of us do and we proclaim it when they are constantly abusing the truth about important things that we all should be concerned about. Why too many of you out there keep supporting a republican political party that works against the values we honor like free will is unfortunately well beyond me.
     What is in store for Europe over the next many weeks is going to become obvious if the republicans continue to be successful in blocking life and death aid that will if given turn the tide of putin's invasion against him. NATO will find that Macon's idea of ground troops is not out of the question and in a short time the only real response left for civilized modern democracies to employ. The threat to Europe and the world is real as we hear from the tyrant putin and his fear mongering bellicose hot air. We in the west have but one intelligent response, arm Ukraine and let the Ukrainian military destroy the land grab of putin, or face a desperate reality where we gear up ourselves and fight a much bigger war than the world has yet known!

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

(#5525) I am responsible for my own life

      A lot of things happened to me when I was growing up that had little to do with how I choose to live. But since my 18th year my life has been my own. I had allowed others to decide for me on occasion when I was a young man in exceptional circumstances but again, that was my choice and still my responsibility. I will not nor should not try to escape the decisions in life that have brought about me to this point. They were a combination of great choices and some not so great choices but in sum they were all mine. For the most part my decisions were based in my own principles of honor and dignity but some were not and sadly that is my reality.
     Yet being an imperfect being is part of the growing process as well. None of us has the perfect life ahead of us or behind us but if we strive to keep within our boundaries of intelligence, decency, and respect we may find that our choices will most likely end up being the correct ones. I didn't always consider how my actions would affect others because I was at times selfish with a cynical outlook. I had my innocence tainted and was not prone to being forgiving at times. The dog eat dog mentality of too many now a days was something I immersed in for a time. putting myself ahead of others was not what I stayed in long but it did happen and for that I was fortunately taught a great life lesson.
     I learned that caring for others was actually caring for myself. I learned that putting myself out of the priority gave me a perspective of how others were living. It became apparent to me that by being so selfish I was part of the problem that I was so deadened by to begin with. To fast forward to how I live now is to be at peace with myself and tired as well. The tired is a good tired however because it reminds me that what I do now is worthy and an accomplishment of note. The responsibilities that I carry forward are clearly defined and easy to follow. I want to help make our world, this existence we live in, a remarkable experience for every soul that inhabits the base qualities of compassion and curiosity.

Monday, March 18, 2024

(#5524) Winding down my time in California

      California is where I have lived most of my life and for me that was a remarkable turn of luck. None of us knows where we will be born in life so having the exceptional luck to be birthed in a part of the world where my philosophical center is and the environment that has climate and natural beauty that is most stellar is exceptional. I will never forget my growing and formative years here and then my later years of maturity that have spanned more that 45 years of my life. Yet there is more to the world than my great home state. As a young person I appreciated that California was a moderate to hot climate with bodies of water nearly everywhere I turned.
     I am no longer a young person capable of being enthralled and physically able to withstand the demands of youth that California has historically catered. I am off to another region of our great nation that has cooler climes that I cherish and a slower pace of activity that suits my enduring evolving life existence. It had been my hope to relocate to the upper northwest for many years since I had lived in the Seattle area for nearly 18 years. I am at a stage in life where I enjoy the rain and snow of winter and the soft rains otherwise dispersed throughout the year. Seattle offers that and I am ready for it. It just so happens that a life changing event occurred and I am ready and willing to embrace that life changing effect.
     So in short order I will pulling up my stakes and moving where I not only will be happy to experience the weather but also a new chapter in my life that has another person involved in it. But more about that aspect later. Today I focus on the winding down time here as I sort, pack, load, and unload what things in life I have acquired to settle me in here. My new beginning will require much less that I have now and that is what new beginnings may offer. Life has taught me that the things I acquired in the past are not being utilized as I had hoped so they must be passed on to others whose time is just beginning. My dream of moving back up north is about to happen and for that I am eternally humbled.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

(#5523) If you want to stop trump you must first stop putin!

      They are inexorably linked. Both trump and putin are two heads of the same body with putin being the driver of their deviousness. You could see it in their body language when they were photographed together during trump's time in our presidency. As well with the assumptions that putin has many incriminating items to coerce trump to do his bidding. Which nicely explains why trump is against sending US aid to Ukraine to help keep Ukrainian democracy alive. That trump is doing putin's bidding is unquestionable through instructing his sycophant johnson the current majority republican speaker of the House from bringing the, already passed in the Senate by a 70-29 margin, aid bill for Ukraine to a floor vote.
     With trump wanting to divest from NATO is a clear sign that putin is his compatriot, not democracy. So when we stop putin the need for trump by putin will cease and trump himself will wither from the lack of need and the loss of protection his friend putin tries to scare the world with. With putin gone the force behind trump will end as well. We the many of us suspect that trump has much of his financing from Russia through many different sources so when the tyrant putin is relieved of his control is when the money faucet to trump will dry up. Without money and the bravado of a putin in his corner the simpleton trump will no longer have his kremlin talking points and will further fade into absurdity.
     By supporting the US aid to Ukraine you are also supporting the diminution of putin and by extension the support he spreads around the world in the form of anti democracy propaganda, chaos, and brutality. If you think of putin as the head of the snake you begin to realize that neutralizing the head will destroy the body. The defeat in Ukraine of putin will effectively put an end to putin's and the kremlin's machinations in America and around the world and force those who are his allies to crawl back into the dark recesses they deserve to dwell within. We need real strong pro democracy leaders in this world and for that to happen we need to stop the forces that are trying to end democracy like what putin did to Navalny in Russia.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

(#5522) The discharge petition is all that will get past the obstructionist republicans in the House

      If you haven't already guessed by the stalled action on behalf of the extreme republican leader of the House, the Senate bill that passed that chamber by a vote of 70-29 will not get a house vote, So what is to be done in the face of the stalling and untruths the current speaker of the House keeps forwarding? The discharge petition is what can be done. It has some time frame issues to it and will require a handful of republicans to vote for it but as it stands now it is the only hope for Ukraine aid to be approved before Ukrainian democracy dies from republican intransigence from the brutal and cruel Russian invasion of Ukraine.
     The discharge petition will allow 218 congresspeople of both parties to sign a document that allows them the maneuver of putting the aid bill on the House floor for a vote. Under regular order the speaker of the House brings whatever bill to the floor he decides is to be voted on and this current one, johnson a republican, is not doing so because he is fully engaged into what trump wants and trump wants putin to succeed in destroying democracy in Ukraine. So getting through the procedures of the House to form this petition into a ripe usage of it takes some legislative calendar days and right now those days are being utilized.
     There is this one step of getting aid to Ukraine and it must be taken. It is a rare and unusual way to bypass the speaker of the House and it is rarely used but the crucial nature of this aid getting to Ukraine before Russia takes full advantage of its not being available to Ukraine makes it a necessity of huge importance. You must ask yourself why would the republican party align with a dictator like the tyrant putin of Russia over the democracy striving nation of Ukraine? If you can come up with an answer that justifies the republican stance then you are an amazing person because logic as it is does not support the republican position nor does their hypocrisy when asked about it.

Friday, March 15, 2024

(#5521) Women's rights are on the ballot come November, never forget!

      The day when the republican party finally got their desire of turning women into second class citizens was the day that many women began to understand that the republican party is an evil to them. I have known this about them for over 50 years but now we have many more who get it that the republican party is a scourge to democracy and the principles of freedom and human rights for all of our species. With the destruction of Roe v. Wade the republicans proved without a doubt that they do not consider women intellectually nor with enough common sense to control the function of their own bodies. That only republican men should be able to decide for them what they can or can't do with their own anatomy.
     I don't know what else must happen for all good people of honor and respect to realize that the scope of republicanism is to deny liberties and justice that are the hallmark of a civilized society. The republican party has laid bare it's core agenda and if you think that women's rights are the only thing under attack here you are not quite informed yet. People of color nor the poor who are not psychopathic/sociopathic have little to hope of protection nor gain from the republican party. Instead they are marginalized and diluted through republican voter repression actions and gerrymandering engineered through a nefarious republican strategy.
     Democracy itself is under siege like in Ukraine where republicans are not allowing help for them to fend off the dictator putin. If any example of anti democracy can be given it is in democracy being destroyed in Ukraine and republicans turning their back to it. So to sum this all up is to say that the republican party has literally shown itself to be undermining democracy, free will, and the hopes and dreams of all of us to pursue our own happiness. The dream of our foreparents when creating our democracy was one where freedom of choice and freedom not to choose was actually written into the first amendment to our constitution. The republican party would abolish that right and many others that restrict republicans from controlling all of us!

Thursday, March 14, 2024

(#5520) Our generation has failed us but can yet redeem itself

      When I was young my generation walked on the moon. We brought about great social change. We even started on inventing the ease of usage of creative and innovative technology to convenience. The hope and promise of our generation was poisoned however by three events that left us without the leadership we so desperately needed. Both John and Robert Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King were all three assassinated in their prime before they could shape our generation into a mighty progressive force. Instead we were rudderless and lost our focus on the amazing that we had yet to inject into our society.
     That is no excuse even though the anti democratic forces within our society worked hard to destroy enlightened democracy in favor of their controlled one. Despite their best efforts we should have been able to thwart their attempts had we just remained objective and rational. Yet we didn't and many of our generation joined those forces of disruptions to our democracy with the vigor of our earlier rebellion against the establishment as we knew it. Without our three great leaders we were ripe for taking over by those who have no heart for freedom and democracy. Their only goal is to always divide and conquer and unfortunately with my generation they were ultimately successful.
     Without our leaders we lost our courage and foresight to a better world. We instead of boldly living an honorable life succumbed to some of our worst natures and turned our heads away from being human. Nothing much is wasted like a soul who does not exemplify the characteristics of a wise and just evolution. What my generation should have done is make sure those who stole our leaders from us were found out and fittingly disciplined. We then should have all risen up as leaders to carry on the work of John, Martin, and Robert. We can still do that at this late point in our time but it must be now when the effect will be felt for centuries not just years or decades!

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

(#5519) President Biden will find a way to help Ukraine in the short term

      The republicans in the House of Representatives have been very good at helping Russia and putin attempt to defeat Ukraine by stalling the aid bill for Ukraine. However, despite the turncoat actions of republicans against helping Ukraine keep their democracy from the tyrant putin, Joe Biden is finding ways to help Ukraine in the meantime. He just released 300 million in aid to Ukraine that was left over from the last allotment of aid for Ukraine and now he is about to release between 2 and 4 billion more from the defense department budget. That aid from the Defense Department does not need Congressional approval so republicans in the House cannot stop it.
     Why republicans are so intent on helping a tyrant like putin is beyond the bounds of normalcy. It is as if they have decided that equality and justice are just for a few and not for all. Well Joe Biden is not like republicans and instead he honors the commitment of over 248 years of American independence to make our democracy a more perfect product. The will of Joe is greater than the obstruction of republicans and for that we should all be humbly grateful for his perseverance. The European Union found a way to get past their putin loving obstacles and Joe Biden is doing something similar although not as robust.
     In the history of the world great change came about through great sacrifice and what the Ukrainian people are doing now qualifies as such. The Russians on the other hand are being held at bay by their own ineptitude and incompetence. They have been losing close to 1000 troops a day for many weeks now and have lost over 426,000 troops since February 24, 2022. Now with the unrest in Russia starting to hurt the Russian economy and bringing home alarming safety and security issues, pressure is building. Russia is not only being destroyed in Ukraine but at home as well. How much longer putin will remain in charge may well be a question with an answer to come sooner than later.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

(#5518) The republican party has failed democracy

      Each day that goes by without the Ukraine aid bill coming up for a vote in the House of Representatives is another day brave Ukrainian defenders of democracy will die. This cannot be understated. The republican party says they want to preserve life but their actions are the opposite. They know that democracy is in peril with the Russian invasion of Ukraine yet they ignore this and refuse to help Ukraine defend it's democracy. I am not playing at words here I am just saying the truth of consequences. When the act is proven to be detrimental then the explanation of it is worthy of being exposed.
     The republican party is failing democracy and no other explanation will ever conceal their choice to further putin and his tyrannical ambitions against democracy. So however those republican voters are able to hold their noses at the stench of decay that is the republican party is beyond me. I am a free spirit because democracy gives me that so voting for any republican anywhere would be against the freedom of my soul to exist. I know this and would never jeopardise my love for democracy because of some misplaced loyalty to some political party or some carnival barker representing them. I am not some novice or greenhorn available to be confused through any bias or prejudice into believing that democracy would ever be a worse thing over something based in brutality and fear.
     Actions are in motion by a small contingent within the republican party to allow a vote to come to the House floor on the Ukraine aid. One action will require the republican slim majority and it's speaker to be bypassed by a majority of representatives, 218, to force a vote. This process has been in play for a week or two now and will ripen at the beginning of April. It won't be easy to accomplish but given the stakes in Ukraine nothing here about getting to a vote is harder than fighting for your life against a murderer who is intent on eliminating your very existence. It will always be a stain on our national view as a world leader in protecting democracy but we will get there despite the wrong side being chosen by the yellow bellied republican party.

Monday, March 11, 2024

(#5517) Gearing up for the move over the next two weeks

     Today will start my packing up what I want to start my life with. It is happening and no matter how nostalgic I get over the next few weeks my present and future are moving toward a new beginning. I am getting married to Judy and together we are about to start our lives not here in California. I will miss my birth state but not the hot weather. I need a more moderate climate and that is where I am heading. So packing up what I want with me is going to be a chore of sorts but not so much as it might otherwise be. I expect that the things I have surrounded myself with were more for convenience than necessity. So much will be left and few things will survive my keeping.
     I have always been personally frugal so there is not much that has a sentimental value to me other than the normal ties to the past in pictures and some items. The rest I have accumulated here will stay with the house and become a utility for those who are to manage my home until another decision is made concerning the future of my home. For the near foreseeable future though the packing will be less although thorough. I must go through everything in order to get a clear picture of what I really want and what really needs to stay. All of this is a bit conflicting as it should be. I am uprooting myself for one last adventure. But know this I am ready and happy to be doing it. However there are still emotions that have to be experienced and dealt with.
     If anything I am a comprehensive man who knows that all of my moments in time need my attention to the fullest and what I am doing now to set the stage for my departure will occupy me in full. Every inch of space needs my view so that there is nothing forgotten or misplaced. My life in my new place will be a wonderful gift for me and the countdown to that time is being anxiously awaited. I find that I am keenly aware of all that I view here because that viewing will be the memories I hold within me. I have put a lot of time and effort into this home and all that it has become. Nothing about actually leaving is going to be exciting but it is necessary as an outcome for something even more breathtakingly beautiful.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

(#5516) A third world war is ripening!

      Let me be perfectly clear. No third world war need to be had. It will only come about through ignorance, obstinance, and selfishness. Yet it seems that all three of these negative otherworldly characteristics are much in vogue in the current iteration of republican political circles. For the most part however there is much in the way of this scenario of foolishness and greed. Yet not enough to stop the current momentum that is being actuated by some who should know better. We have somehow gotten to appointed leaders who would rather gamble on a world war then not. As incredible as that seems our reality is proving it true.
     For months many of us have been boldly exclaiming that if we don't do the right thing by honoring our national commitment to helping Ukraine stop the mad rush of the tyrant putin at Ukraine's doorstep the whole of Europe will become involved in stopping the madness of putin further into central and western Europe. With that NATO will be activated and all the world will have troops in Europe fighting to protect the alliances and treaties negotiated since the end of world war two. A third world war will not be the same as the land war of world war two. It will involve sophisticated weaponry that will hit all cities from any country. no one will be safe from a third world war anywhere on our planet!
     All of what I have just expressed could be avoided simply by letting the brave Ukrainians stop the putin rush at the border of Ukraine and Russia. But not until the republicans in the House find both their courage and sense to allow a vote on the Ukraine aid we all need to keep putin within his own borders. If ever there was a simple turning point that could be activated to prevent world wide despair and misery this is it. The history books will either herald the defeat of Russia at the Ukrainian border or they will lament the lunacy that the House republicans caused through a third world war. There is still time for republicans in the House to do their duty to democracy and the world but that time is quickly running short...

Saturday, March 9, 2024

(#5515) After yesterday's international tribute to women

      The response from the republican party is for women to go back to being property of men. Yes, that is what I get from what I know about the republican obstruction of equal rights for women by men. The old saw about women being "barefoot and pregnant" is a pleasing thought to those mostly republican men but also a surprising amount of republican women as well. These republicans only have an individualism for themselves; not for women who would threaten their ideal of control and consequence. The hypocrisy of republicans celebrating democracy and women is nothing short of deliberate absurdity.
     The republican party plays at a public persona of agreeable acts and behaviors while their private work to undermine and destroy the fabric of equality and democracy for women continues unabated. We who are fighting as advocates for improving the lives of women are relentless in our attempts to restore Roe V. Wade that was recently abolished by the republican majority on the supreme court. Just getting back to where we were nearly two years ago is our aim and this election in November will dictate the degree to which we can reverse the hatred republicans have for the equal rights of women.
     Enlightenment has been a tremendous hallmark accomplishment in our ability to reason, analyse, and conclude but it seems that there is much more room to improve on the whole of our populations evolving toward this next evolutionary step for our species. Many of us are here and ready to move beyond the bounds of ignorance yet we are stymied in our yearning for more by those who would see intelligence as a negative. Their reasoning is to stabilize humans as a tool for their agendas not for the growth of our own unique abilities into something even more magnificent. When we all have equal rights the concept of controlling us as a commodity is beyond their control as it should be!

Friday, March 8, 2024

(#5514) Let the blue wave landslide begin

      As a rule lately I am not watching anything that has a republican obstructionist to democracy in it. So I had to get my information about President Joe Biden's State of the Union address from other trusted sources. From what I consistently heard is that Joe did not fail to deliver a strong speech that highlighted the failures of the republican party against his own victories. These moments are generally considered pivotal when in a general election campaign so the fact of Joe's success last night will pivot directly into a positive boost of his status among voters.
     Let me be clear here though. Joe has a base that is so anti trump that even if Joe had a less than stellar night he would still be the favorite to win the election against the miserable person trump. But that he did have a very good night is welcome as the extra positive force will allow for his coattails to help bring in a few more congressional and state victories otherwise uncertain. Popularity is like that. If the head of the party candidate is doing well and is much admired and respected then those who run with him down ballot will be benefitted by his positive vibes through more party line voting.
     From what I can gather this morning the extra democratic party vibes will be in full supply as the republican party has now been exposed nationally as an incompetent choice come November 5th. Many have questioned whether Joe had the stamina and mental acuity to continue as President for another 4 years but as has been reported from last night Joe is still keen and aware of the consequences of his utility to all of us in this most dangerous moment. Without Joe as the figurehead of democracy to thwart off the tyrants and despots of the world we could have been much more vulnerable to such nefarious characters. Our blue wave got a lift last night and should be ready to overwhelm the anti democratic republican party as we get to the election time.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

(#5513) Living life should be inspiring!

      I have so many memories of waking to a new day and looking forward to what the day would bring. To me that was inspiring. I still have those days where the thought of what may come is foremost in my mind. Not because I am worried about my next meal or my life because others want to cause harm to me. But about how fortunate I am to be in a society that affords me peace in enough ways as to comfort me. I look around me at the lives of others as best I can see them and realize that inspiration is not just visible but it is felt. I am not here in existence to realize my purpose based upon what others do. I am here in this existence to forge what I want as inspiring out to others.
     This I know as a fact. When I am selfless the world becomes a better place for me and those who are in my presence. Not only am I inspired by my own sacrifices I am allowing others to see that inspiration manifest toward their own lives. Not all see selfless acts as inspiring but there are many that do. Inspiration is a feeling that has a powerful yearning to it. An enthusiasm that cannot be replicated in nature other than experienced. Once aroused by inspiration the attractive property of it is a beautiful thing and serves to remind us humans of our possibilities. We get a sense of something, we imagine, we create. The process of inspiration is one of the separating dynamics between all of life and what we human beings have evolved into.
     If you want to naturally release the types of chemical processes in your body that make you overjoyed and euphoric then become inspired. Through inspiration we find what is possible for us personally and as well generally for all of us. Inspiration puts a smile on our faces and allows us to know we are alive doing important things. Through inspiration we find what is remarkable about each other and glory in those attributes. Being inspired is what I hope to achieve throughout my life with an emphasis on a continuity of it. Life is too short for all the chaos and nonsense of irrelevancy. We all need to become inspired about whatever it is that lifts our heads in bright shining ways.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

(#5512) I hope proposition 1 here in California passes!

      The votes are in and the counting is taking place. As of now Prop 1 is leading by more than 34 thousand votes with approximately 49% of the vote tabulated. For me the task of reinstituting mental health facilities that were destroyed by republicans and ronald reagan around 40 years ago would go a long way toward addressing homelessness and provide humanitarian approaches to the wayward currently roaming our state's streets. Those who oppose this proposition are arguing from positions that are not working and need to be enhanced to a level that has medical treatment enshrined in its application.
     A redesign is called for here to actually work to solve our homeless crisis that is vastly undeserved. We have for the most part a community of folks who are addicted to various drugs and alcohols as a way of life and anything that moves toward addiction prevention and care is a positive step in the correct direction. Others who are outside the bounds of normalcy need to be treated with a diagnosis and the medication to help them control their out of control actions. We have too many people on our streets that have lost sight of reality and spend too much of their time living in an imaginary world of confusion. If you don't see these folks like I do as a transfer driver in my community then you are not aware of your surroundings.
     More than forty years of neglect from the republican destruction of mental health hospitals has gotten us to this point. So once again it is taking democrats to clean up messes in our society that republicans create and then blame democrats for not fixing. Do you get why I despise the republican party with such a furor! They are the creators of problems in our world and are very good at deflecting that nature of theirs onto others for blame. Bringing this Prop 1 home with a yes vote will go a very long way toward solving another dilemma that is crushing to behold and hard to tackle but we democrats are about the working middle poor class so when republicans work to harm us we democrats find ways to change that.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

(#5511) Tyranny advances while republicans dither

      Rome burns while Nero fiddles. We have all heard this phrase at one time or another in our lives. The idea seems absurd and totally disconnected from reality yet that is exactly what is happening to Ukrainians as their country burns while republicans turn their backs to them. All republicans in the house have to do is allow a vote on a bill that passed the Senate with a vast bipartisan majority. President Biden said he would sign the bill immediately after the House passes it. But no, the republicans in the House prefer to do nothing while tyranny rages on! I don't know who needs to hear this but if you care at all about free will and the rights attributed to free will then you will be shocked to learn that republicans aren't that concerned about freedom and liberty as rights.
     The republican Party is willing to let democracy die in Ukraine in order to consolidate power here in America. They are not leaders these republicans, they are followers! Who is it that they follow? None other than the disgraced failed trump and his deranged view of liking our enemies over our allies. I don't get that as a rational human being but I do understand that it must be stopped and regular order returned to our societies. Democracy is the crucible of which our values are formed and refined. Without democracy we are left with strongmen who would dictate to all of us who we are to be and how we are to function in their mastery over us.
     I perceive a crossroad where we here in America must decide what is to be done with the obstruction and chaos of what republicanism has become. They are no longer a functioning respected party of ideals and compassions exemplified by democratic values. Instead they are in disarray. Their core values are not of the melting pot ideal that formed our nation. They have allowed for themselves to be arbiters of others while not offering examples worthy of being heralded. We democrats, who are fighting to protect and defend life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all, will need to rise up and become a mighty force that can vanquish the world's despots and the republicans who otherwise support them.

Monday, March 4, 2024

(#5510) Building a lasting relationship

     Okay, so I am new at this. That being said I am well aware that being alone like I have been is not going to remain the same. I am now thinking like a man who considers another in an equal and respectful way. I am somewhat used to that anyway in that I generally try to treat everyone equally with respect. But this is more personal. I am now closing in on a happily desired contract that in principle joins two of us in one goal, to keep and hold each other through all things we do. Knowing this as the priority helps me to navigate all the moments that follow.
     I know it won't be that easy but for the most part it will be. There are going to come times where our lifestyles and inculcations will clash and I fully expect that clash to be significant but I also believe we will be able to resolve any uncertainty or difference with compromise and understanding. The idea here for me is that we are about to embark upon a relationship that will form a new way of living for both of us. I am ready for that although I may balk at times for a moment I will always come back to a solution we both find comfortable enough.
     There is nothing about how we live our lives that is even remotely a game changer for me. I also suspect that the feeling is mutual so both of us are starting from a place that has a tremendous chance to be wonderful for both of us. We both are so like minded to start with and that is the threaded foundation of our relationship. We have both gotten to this like minded place through our own individual experiences and caring outlook. So now the rest that we are going to build upon that foundation is found in our staying in the moment and appreciating each other with love and respect. It is not easy learning how to make a relationship a beautiful thing but with both of us being a bit wiser and mature we have a greater chance of succeeding because our relationship is built upon much more than the love we have for each other.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

(#5509) The Russian people need to rise up and throw putin and his kremlin bootlickers out!

      With the murder of Alexei Navalny, and yes it was a calculated murder, putin has put himself at a disadvantage now. His lust for vengeance against Alexei for being more popular than him will likely cost him his power. The failed Ukrainian invasion to date is the background and the outlandish murder of Navalny is the trigger. What we are likely to see in the Russian federation is more boldness from those who have traditionally been oppressed by the tyrant putin and his stormtrooping kremlin acolytes. These folks who are always at the short end of the stick with putin see the opportunity to create havoc and unrest while the majority of putin's forces are still struggling and dying in Ukraine.
     For two years now the Ukrainian invasion has gone on after putin originally announced that the invasion would be done in a week. Russian soldiers, instead of being welcomed as saviors have died in Ukraine to the tune of over 415,000 and counting. These unsustainable losses are filtering back to the families of these dead soldiers and their state of mind cannot be satisfied with evasive rhetoric supplied by putin's propaganda machine. With sanctions and world disfavor at their doorsteps the ordinary Russian citizen has felt being a world pariah in many ways. This is because putin has told them the lies needed to start the Ukrainian invasion but those lies are being exposed with the daily Russian deaths and lack of proof of progress on putin's narrative.
     We are starting to see some cracks in the silence and cowering that the Russian people heretofore have exemplified. There are protests in Russia as well as insurgency practices that are becoming known. The longer Russia struggles in Ukraine the worst the lives of ordinary Russians become. There is now another mobilization that putin is trying to put together to get more of his countrymen killed. The underbelly of putin's and the kremlin's rot is becoming known and how long it takes for the populace of Russia to finally say this is enough is currently measuring time. With every internal Russian sabotage and regional armed rebellion the festering dissatisfaction grows. We can only hope for the sake of Ukraine and the good people inside Russia that the time measurement is short and the action following is swift in its delivery and just in its conclusion.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

(#5508) Our manifest destiny is in outer space!

     There are those who are living on this spaceship we call Earth and they don't want to understand the significance of our journey through space. They instead want to look up into the sky and settle for the atmosphere as our boundary. They seem to have no regard for the fact that our planet is actually traveling through space. Which is why understanding space is so significant and actually an imperative. We have the enlightenment in the form of knowledge and logic to acquire more information about the vast unknown outer boundary above our atmosphere.
     But those who are not clear on why they don't like enlightenment other than to voice that they don't care about anything other than what is in their own personal safety and comfort. These types of folks are fooling themselves if they think of our planet as some kind of sanctuary immune to the forces of time and space. We are not some fantastical place where life and existence are guaranteed. We are instead just a planet within billions of solar type systems that make up the outer space that I am mentioning. To better understand our world and the role our human being species plays in it we must know what we currently don't know.
     Being bold about learning and discovering has been a hallmark of our species since our beginning. We have to know things because our curiosity demands it. We won't know things unless we gird up our courage and venture toward that learning. Our human being species is an amazing one that has so much capacity for adapting to any situation that needs us to accomplish whatever we face. All of we humans are basically the same, we care and we wonder. So to think we won't go out into outer space as a rule is ludicrous, full of fear, and not worthy of who we are. We get beyond our own planet by applying the knowledge we already have with the knowledge we are currently envisioning and developing. Off we go to space my fellow human being travelers!

Friday, March 1, 2024

(#5507) We must save Russia by defeating putin in Ukraine!

      There is one chance only to bring about a free Russian society and that is done by defeating putin in Ukraine. Already putin has killed nearly 415,000 of his Russian federation countrymen so that putin may become the world's dictator. He has no soul to answer to his conscience so he just destroys what he can in order to rule all that he can see. His ending is necessary for our world to become progressive toward democracy. That putin would destroy democracy and install himself as lord of all is unquestioned. The only question remaining to be answered is will we let him?
     I know I won't but what say you? All of us or at least a large majority of us must side with stopping putin the tyrant from forcing his brutal and cruel agenda upon all our heads. We are reminded today what putin is like as the widow of Alexei Navalny lays her husbands battered and beaten body to rest. To putin, Alexei Navalny had to die because he wanted democracy and was more popular than putin and putin cannot stand democracy nor to be upstaged by anyone, moreso a countryman. Especially if putin can destroy him with impunity. The example today is but just one of many that can be counted from everyday that putin has reigned with brutality in Russia. The former KGB chief putin is in his element as one who cares nothing for the lives of others.
     So stopping putin is not just a Russian necessity but it is a worldwide necessity. He, putin, is a tyrant who would  more happily destroy as opposed to build a better world. Russia is eager within its population to rise up from the putin coup to their fledgling democracy several decades ago and reform itself toward democratic ideals. To get back to that stage for Russia to become a positive influence on the world the cancer of putin must be severed from the Russian host. Russia has the desire to be a good standing member of our world order but it must find its way away form the evil that putin has collared them with. We in the west have one job today and that is to support Ukraine in every way so that they can justifiably end the reign of terror putin is applying to their sovereignty and democratic ideals.