Thursday, March 28, 2024

(#5534) Dying with dignity

      My brother John is the topic for discussion this morning. As some of you may know John had a debilitating stroke that has taken him from his home with me to a hospice care facility. Since, very recently, I have also moved from my home and into another part of the country. So as his medical and legal advocate I decided to give another family member who is close to where he actually is the right to make decisions on his behalf with the caveat that I agree. Which as things are now I am in full agreement with this family member because we are both like minded about how the life of John should continue with care, dignity, and respect.
     This moment in time of John's condition has been arduous and less than happy for him and for those of us who care about him. But life is what it is and we who have an understanding about the emotion and patience concerning life and death issues realize that sacrifice and duty are values worthy of our time and effort. John was an important part of our lives and although he is less able to function as a member he is no less valuable as a part of our family. Since I am no longer able to be part of John's immediate circle I feel that this won't be a detriment as another family member is now going to fill as best as possible my intent toward John's remaining days with us.
     Those of us who are in a position to choose to be helpful in hard situations are filled with the knowledge that but for luck there go I. So we treat our loved ones with the same respect and dignity that we would hope would be bestowed upon us given a similar situation. We are human and as such should exemplify the best qualities that end of life care should provide. John's life is still ongoing but his decline is imminent to some degree. We don't know when but we shouldn't think of when as much as we should be thinking about how to be of service to him now. Time will take care of the rest. In the meantime John will be given a level of care that he deserves as a loved and valued member of our family.

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