Saturday, March 9, 2024

(#5515) After yesterday's international tribute to women

      The response from the republican party is for women to go back to being property of men. Yes, that is what I get from what I know about the republican obstruction of equal rights for women by men. The old saw about women being "barefoot and pregnant" is a pleasing thought to those mostly republican men but also a surprising amount of republican women as well. These republicans only have an individualism for themselves; not for women who would threaten their ideal of control and consequence. The hypocrisy of republicans celebrating democracy and women is nothing short of deliberate absurdity.
     The republican party plays at a public persona of agreeable acts and behaviors while their private work to undermine and destroy the fabric of equality and democracy for women continues unabated. We who are fighting as advocates for improving the lives of women are relentless in our attempts to restore Roe V. Wade that was recently abolished by the republican majority on the supreme court. Just getting back to where we were nearly two years ago is our aim and this election in November will dictate the degree to which we can reverse the hatred republicans have for the equal rights of women.
     Enlightenment has been a tremendous hallmark accomplishment in our ability to reason, analyse, and conclude but it seems that there is much more room to improve on the whole of our populations evolving toward this next evolutionary step for our species. Many of us are here and ready to move beyond the bounds of ignorance yet we are stymied in our yearning for more by those who would see intelligence as a negative. Their reasoning is to stabilize humans as a tool for their agendas not for the growth of our own unique abilities into something even more magnificent. When we all have equal rights the concept of controlling us as a commodity is beyond their control as it should be!

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