Wednesday, March 6, 2024

(#5512) I hope proposition 1 here in California passes!

      The votes are in and the counting is taking place. As of now Prop 1 is leading by more than 34 thousand votes with approximately 49% of the vote tabulated. For me the task of reinstituting mental health facilities that were destroyed by republicans and ronald reagan around 40 years ago would go a long way toward addressing homelessness and provide humanitarian approaches to the wayward currently roaming our state's streets. Those who oppose this proposition are arguing from positions that are not working and need to be enhanced to a level that has medical treatment enshrined in its application.
     A redesign is called for here to actually work to solve our homeless crisis that is vastly undeserved. We have for the most part a community of folks who are addicted to various drugs and alcohols as a way of life and anything that moves toward addiction prevention and care is a positive step in the correct direction. Others who are outside the bounds of normalcy need to be treated with a diagnosis and the medication to help them control their out of control actions. We have too many people on our streets that have lost sight of reality and spend too much of their time living in an imaginary world of confusion. If you don't see these folks like I do as a transfer driver in my community then you are not aware of your surroundings.
     More than forty years of neglect from the republican destruction of mental health hospitals has gotten us to this point. So once again it is taking democrats to clean up messes in our society that republicans create and then blame democrats for not fixing. Do you get why I despise the republican party with such a furor! They are the creators of problems in our world and are very good at deflecting that nature of theirs onto others for blame. Bringing this Prop 1 home with a yes vote will go a very long way toward solving another dilemma that is crushing to behold and hard to tackle but we democrats are about the working middle poor class so when republicans work to harm us we democrats find ways to change that.

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