Thursday, March 7, 2024

(#5513) Living life should be inspiring!

      I have so many memories of waking to a new day and looking forward to what the day would bring. To me that was inspiring. I still have those days where the thought of what may come is foremost in my mind. Not because I am worried about my next meal or my life because others want to cause harm to me. But about how fortunate I am to be in a society that affords me peace in enough ways as to comfort me. I look around me at the lives of others as best I can see them and realize that inspiration is not just visible but it is felt. I am not here in existence to realize my purpose based upon what others do. I am here in this existence to forge what I want as inspiring out to others.
     This I know as a fact. When I am selfless the world becomes a better place for me and those who are in my presence. Not only am I inspired by my own sacrifices I am allowing others to see that inspiration manifest toward their own lives. Not all see selfless acts as inspiring but there are many that do. Inspiration is a feeling that has a powerful yearning to it. An enthusiasm that cannot be replicated in nature other than experienced. Once aroused by inspiration the attractive property of it is a beautiful thing and serves to remind us humans of our possibilities. We get a sense of something, we imagine, we create. The process of inspiration is one of the separating dynamics between all of life and what we human beings have evolved into.
     If you want to naturally release the types of chemical processes in your body that make you overjoyed and euphoric then become inspired. Through inspiration we find what is possible for us personally and as well generally for all of us. Inspiration puts a smile on our faces and allows us to know we are alive doing important things. Through inspiration we find what is remarkable about each other and glory in those attributes. Being inspired is what I hope to achieve throughout my life with an emphasis on a continuity of it. Life is too short for all the chaos and nonsense of irrelevancy. We all need to become inspired about whatever it is that lifts our heads in bright shining ways.

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