Wednesday, March 27, 2024

(#5533) Reorganizing my life

      I haven't had much time to reflect on events that have up to this point in my life shaped my outlook because I have taken myself from one location to another. I like to think of it as an uprooting of all that is me to place myself into a different environment. Both environments were and are good but this one I am now in, given all the intervening factors, is an improvement for me personally. I have finally found my soulmate and getting to her outweighed all other considerations despite them being difficult and emotional. Yet the decision has been accomplished and now it is time to put myself together here in an ordered way.
     I was able to take just my pickup truck full of the most important things in my life with me to start anew. I left behind many things that otherwise had value to me but were not necessary for my future. My truck will finally be offloaded later today and I will be able to get at some of the more nuanced items I have packed away. As of now I feel like I am just somewhat a visitor in my new beginning and when I get into my other things that are difficult to access until my truck is emptied will I really feel like I have begun to exist in my new home. I am odd that way I suppose since I am fully made to feel like this is my home but for me it is the comfort of things I am used to having at my beck and call that will bring about a complete being at home feeling.
     Once I have organized my belongings into their spaces will I know this is the new me in another space. Of course the biggest difference is that I am now loved by another and that is the overarching realization that does make me feel almost at home. By surrounding myself with what I have brought with me to simplify and make my life more efficient will I know deep down that my move is completed and my new home is settled in my heart. I am a lucky man for having found love this late in life but I am also satisfied that this love is worth all the work and effort it takes to make it real and everlasting.

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