Saturday, March 16, 2024

(#5522) The discharge petition is all that will get past the obstructionist republicans in the House

      If you haven't already guessed by the stalled action on behalf of the extreme republican leader of the House, the Senate bill that passed that chamber by a vote of 70-29 will not get a house vote, So what is to be done in the face of the stalling and untruths the current speaker of the House keeps forwarding? The discharge petition is what can be done. It has some time frame issues to it and will require a handful of republicans to vote for it but as it stands now it is the only hope for Ukraine aid to be approved before Ukrainian democracy dies from republican intransigence from the brutal and cruel Russian invasion of Ukraine.
     The discharge petition will allow 218 congresspeople of both parties to sign a document that allows them the maneuver of putting the aid bill on the House floor for a vote. Under regular order the speaker of the House brings whatever bill to the floor he decides is to be voted on and this current one, johnson a republican, is not doing so because he is fully engaged into what trump wants and trump wants putin to succeed in destroying democracy in Ukraine. So getting through the procedures of the House to form this petition into a ripe usage of it takes some legislative calendar days and right now those days are being utilized.
     There is this one step of getting aid to Ukraine and it must be taken. It is a rare and unusual way to bypass the speaker of the House and it is rarely used but the crucial nature of this aid getting to Ukraine before Russia takes full advantage of its not being available to Ukraine makes it a necessity of huge importance. You must ask yourself why would the republican party align with a dictator like the tyrant putin of Russia over the democracy striving nation of Ukraine? If you can come up with an answer that justifies the republican stance then you are an amazing person because logic as it is does not support the republican position nor does their hypocrisy when asked about it.

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