Thursday, March 14, 2024

(#5520) Our generation has failed us but can yet redeem itself

      When I was young my generation walked on the moon. We brought about great social change. We even started on inventing the ease of usage of creative and innovative technology to convenience. The hope and promise of our generation was poisoned however by three events that left us without the leadership we so desperately needed. Both John and Robert Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King were all three assassinated in their prime before they could shape our generation into a mighty progressive force. Instead we were rudderless and lost our focus on the amazing that we had yet to inject into our society.
     That is no excuse even though the anti democratic forces within our society worked hard to destroy enlightened democracy in favor of their controlled one. Despite their best efforts we should have been able to thwart their attempts had we just remained objective and rational. Yet we didn't and many of our generation joined those forces of disruptions to our democracy with the vigor of our earlier rebellion against the establishment as we knew it. Without our three great leaders we were ripe for taking over by those who have no heart for freedom and democracy. Their only goal is to always divide and conquer and unfortunately with my generation they were ultimately successful.
     Without our leaders we lost our courage and foresight to a better world. We instead of boldly living an honorable life succumbed to some of our worst natures and turned our heads away from being human. Nothing much is wasted like a soul who does not exemplify the characteristics of a wise and just evolution. What my generation should have done is make sure those who stole our leaders from us were found out and fittingly disciplined. We then should have all risen up as leaders to carry on the work of John, Martin, and Robert. We can still do that at this late point in our time but it must be now when the effect will be felt for centuries not just years or decades!

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