Saturday, March 30, 2024

(#5536) The republican party elevates money over people

      I have been trying to differentiate the effects of the two major political parties and this keeps coming up in my head. That republicans do not give life of beings the same deference they give to treasure. It is the one narrative that keeps coming up in all the different paradigms of how we live within our society. The republican party is about self and not about selflessness. The only sacrifice republicans are willing to make is for themselves to profit from. Not from any noble ideal that has its roots in principle or honor, but for accumulation and desire. Where philanthropy does exist in the republican sphere it is offset by deductions and benefits on their tax returns.
     Everything is a transaction to republicans. There has to be a return on investment that is tangible and with an increasing effect to their own personal wealth. Their hearts are not in the social difficulties that are readily created unto others through their own actions. Their hearts are well satisfied by the increased thickness of their wallets. Starving children and adults get a concerned look from some republicans but unless there is money to be made from helping the unfortunate it is back to "take care of yourself". My description may seem to be harsh to some but it is a general observation that is not an embellishment. Whereas for the most part we democrats are about people over money, the same cannot be said for republicans.
     We democrats realize something that republicans fail to capitalize on. They don't understand the value of humanity and how life isn't just about money. We democrats know money is part of how we exist in our societies but we also know that the more of us who participate in our societies the better off our societies become. Our own pocketbooks are important but when we all have a pocketbook with a livable amount in it the better the world is around us. In that our own personal wealth is enhanced by all who participate in society with a share in it. This republican mantra of wanting all of what one individual can possibly attain is not the approach to take when we democrats show that all of us sharing in the wealth we together create is a far superior approach to increasing happiness and our pursuit of it.

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