Monday, March 11, 2024

(#5517) Gearing up for the move over the next two weeks

     Today will start my packing up what I want to start my life with. It is happening and no matter how nostalgic I get over the next few weeks my present and future are moving toward a new beginning. I am getting married to Judy and together we are about to start our lives not here in California. I will miss my birth state but not the hot weather. I need a more moderate climate and that is where I am heading. So packing up what I want with me is going to be a chore of sorts but not so much as it might otherwise be. I expect that the things I have surrounded myself with were more for convenience than necessity. So much will be left and few things will survive my keeping.
     I have always been personally frugal so there is not much that has a sentimental value to me other than the normal ties to the past in pictures and some items. The rest I have accumulated here will stay with the house and become a utility for those who are to manage my home until another decision is made concerning the future of my home. For the near foreseeable future though the packing will be less although thorough. I must go through everything in order to get a clear picture of what I really want and what really needs to stay. All of this is a bit conflicting as it should be. I am uprooting myself for one last adventure. But know this I am ready and happy to be doing it. However there are still emotions that have to be experienced and dealt with.
     If anything I am a comprehensive man who knows that all of my moments in time need my attention to the fullest and what I am doing now to set the stage for my departure will occupy me in full. Every inch of space needs my view so that there is nothing forgotten or misplaced. My life in my new place will be a wonderful gift for me and the countdown to that time is being anxiously awaited. I find that I am keenly aware of all that I view here because that viewing will be the memories I hold within me. I have put a lot of time and effort into this home and all that it has become. Nothing about actually leaving is going to be exciting but it is necessary as an outcome for something even more breathtakingly beautiful.

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