Friday, January 4, 2019

The dawning of the era we expected back in 2016 (#3626)

     We are behind schedule now at least 2 years with the manipulation republicans achieved in the 2016 elections but we now have begun to reverse that travesty and most likely illegality. With our new House of Representatives fully behind a liberal progressive vision the battle to reverse the trumps and his republican acolytes is in full swing. Never before has the polarization in our politics reinvigorated the democratic party like what trumps has done. Not the nixon, reagan, bush I, nor even the bush II presidencies have instilled in we democrats the sure fire will to end the reign of the despicable appointed president trump.
     The taking of the House was not even considered possible in 2016 because of the gerrymandering and traditional voting patterns but in 2018. The realization of what trumps and his band of republican carpetbaggers had done to us has given rise to a revolt against them that has not only captured most free thinking independents but many unforeseen republicans. The depth of the depravity of republican politics to deny individuals their right to vote and to strategically map out districts guaranteed to give them an unfair advantage wasn't enough to save the House for them in 2018. The only reason they held onto the Senate was because too many seats up for election were democratic seats in red or very red states this cycle.
     That will not be the case next cycle nor is trump in anyway a safe position to be reelcted. I am profoundly optimistic that with our people's House now being engaged through democratic policies the nation will get to see the difference between what we democrats offer to the whole of our nation and what republicans did to deny the whole of our nation. The clock is ticking again on the end of republican politics and if it is anything like the purge we had here in California in 2018 then the end for the republican party is just months away. In 2020 we begin from a stronger starting point to heal our nation than we would have if trump had not manipulated the 2016 election. It is a silver lining in a way but the disaster trump has wreaked upon us is real and not easily repaired.

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